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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

790 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paterson, H. C , appointments, 112, 324, 504, 674 Pence, D.A„ appointments, 98,140,332,394. 683 Paterson, J. A., degree, 723 degree 347 Pathe Exchange Inc., contract, 253 Pence, D. B., degree, 227 Pathology and Bacteriology, appropriation, 448 Pendergast, Sister M . R. H,, degree, 720 budget, expense, 327, 678 Pendleton, E. E., degree, 722 salary, 330, 682 Penn, A., gift, 10 Patkes, J, A., degree, 734 Penn, R , C. P. A, certificate, 479 Paton, R. F., appointments, 303, 504, 653 Penney, F. F., fellowship, 160 Pattengale, N. T., degree, 347 Pennington, D. J., degree, 716 Patterson, K.t appointments, 320, 481, 507, 669 Pennsylvania Avenue, ownership of, 436, 449, 474, Patterson, M . D., appointments, 470, 507, 669 515 Patterson, N. V., appointment, 394 proposed lighting on, 596 Patterson, O. F., degree, 728 Penrod, B., appointments, 309, 318, 506, 658, 668 Patterson, R. L-, degree, 390 Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, gift, 563 Patterson, R. V., degree, 725 Pepper, E. D., appointments, 291, 640 Patterson, V. M-, degree, 709 Perardi, F., degree, 220 Patterson, W . I., scholarship, 575 Percivai, P. A., degree, 722 Pattison, H. C , commission, 724 Percival, S. R., appointments, 321, 672 degree, 713 Percivai Farm, Embarrass River drainage disPatton, A., appointments, 281, 629 trict, 541 Patton, A. W., degree, 499 lease of house on, 88 Patton, E. M., degree, 230 Percy, N. M,, appointments, 344, 696 Patton, H. L., degree, 220 Perdenza, J. A., degree, 734 Patton, J. M., retired, 352 Perdew, A. M., degree, 220 Patton, L. F., degrees, 222, 237 Pereira, W . L., degree, 714 Patton, M . L., degree, 498 Pergande, R., appointments, 304, 654 Pauker, N., appointments, 343, 695 Perkins, A. T., degree, 221 Paul, A. C , degree, 220 Perkins, J. F., appointments, 283 Paul, G. L., appointments, 311, 661 Perkins, L. H., degree, 220 Paul, H. G., appointments, 112, 287, 298, 637, 648 Perkins, S. N., degree, 715 Paul, K. H., appointments, 294, 644 Perlman, J., degree, 243 Paul, M . E., degree, 722 Perlstein, M . O., appointment, 697 scholarship, 576 Perlstein, S., appointments, 343, 695 Paulsen, H., appointments, 330, 682 Perman, G. A., degree, 35 Paulson, R. B., degree, 234 Permits for automobiles, 33 Paving of streets, 51. 124, 399, 44.8 report, 74 assessments, appropriation, 6 Perrine, G. H., appointment, 293 special, 693 Perrine, W . S., appointments, 356, 599 binder materials, 439. 44i Perrottet, L. J. M „ degree, 709 Carter-Pennell farms, rebate question, 137 Perry, B. E., appointments, 287, 502, 636 First Street, 6 Guggenheim Fellowship, 558 Fourth Street, 6, 417, 449 leave, 451 Green Street, 27 Perry, J. H., degree, 226 Mathews Street, 582 Perry, J. L., degree, 222 Romine Street, 582, 600 Perry, R. A., degree, 233 Springfield Avenue, 51, 124, 448, 582 Pesata., H. B., appointment, 334 University Avenue, 51, 124, 582, 600 degree, 243 Wright Street, 433, 454, 519, 528, 583 Peter, A, G., degree, 408 Paxton, R. L., certificate, 241 Peter, F. V., degree, 220 Pay Station, telephone, in Library, 436 Peters, J. W., appointments, 291, 640 contract, 45 r Peters, W . W „ appointments, 112, 298, 504, 64S Payne, A. N., degree, 498 Petersen, E-, appointments, 329, 680 Payne, J. C , degree, 709 Petersen, E. H., degree, 222 Peach orchards, spraying experiment, 187, 249 Petersen, J. D., appointments, 244, 525 Pearce, H. I., appointments, 282, 631 Petersen, W . F., appointment, 330 Pediatrics,appointments,695Borden502, 639467 453 Petersen, B.,,G.,degree, P.220234 443, 685265, 467 Peltzman,F.D.,appointments, 636 625 Peltzer,L.,716 P.degree,718 294, 635 Peller,H.WN..M.,160681 716 certificate,Company, Pelej, T.,A.,E.,E.C. 343,499 726 642 Peirce,J.,Mfaculty,B.,327,724 290, 644 Pegues, of B., A. certificate, Peffer, D. J., degree, 23s Peeters,H. B., appointments, 479 Peel, T. 388 appointments, 286, Peek, H. .absence,P. 347 Peckerman,agreement with Peckenpaugh, degree,A. 243 277, Pearson,M .CH.,degree,degree, 89, 265, Pearlman,E.commission,725 286, 635 Pease, expense, 430 287, Pearl, Pearce, C.C.L., degree, 678 degree, A., clinical ,degree, scholarship, leave budget, E-, salary, H-, 329, C.( S., 720 Peterson. WC.J., O.,sports,241 181, 346637 Peterson, I.E.M., appointments,certificate, Pettigrew,J. O., appointments, 288, Petticrew,H. F., monograph538 316, Petru, A.E. L., degree, 710A. skin Petrik, of L.,H., appointments, 682 665 Petri, K. A. „W., appointment, 427 638 PetitionF. N.,V-, commission,333, reactions and statement, Cdegree,degrees,634 leave forNSunday 137718131 on 394. degree, C. M., degree, 232 blood E- D., O., 509 713 Robert appointment, W 46 degree, 709 absence, C. 228 S. appointments, Ralph R. certificate, 715 L. A., F. F., chemistry, 347 224 appointment, ,
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