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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
784 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Middleton, A. M., degree, 232 Middleton, R, E., degree, 718 Mielke, R. C , degree, 223 Miethe, H. K., degree, 709 Mikalauskas, J. M., degree, 232 Miles, H. J., appointments, 29 r, 640 Miles, R. H., appointments, 321, 671 Miiey, C. H., degree, 71S Military Bands, appropriation, special, 693 budget, expense, 275, 623 salary, 279, 627 Military Department, appropriation, 93 budget, salary, 325, 676 Property Custodian, title created, 128 Scholarship, O'Donnell, C. E., 402 theft from, 450 uniforms, contracts, 2, 268, |88 for cleaning, 339 Military training, present policy to be continued, 96 Milk, Certified Milk Producers, 451, 512 Milk, fluid, marketability of, 268, 402, 477 Milk, lactic acid, 453, 545 Milk, purchase of, 482 Milk, study of toxins in, 451, 477, 512 Milk Commissions, Medical, American Association of, 451, 477 Milk Council of Chicago, advertisement, 402 Milk Dealers, International Association of, 268, 402, 477 Milk Producers Association of Cliampaign County, hearing, 473 contract, 495 Millard, L., degree, 722 Millbrook, M., appointments, 325, 676 Millen, K., degree, 722 Miller, A. F., certificate, 241 Miller, A. L., degree, 219 Miller, B. B., appointments, 328, 680 Miller, B. I., appointments, 291, 640 Miller, C. E., degree, 716 Miller, C. F., appointments, 287, 636 Miller, C. K., resignation, 179 Miller, C. 0., degree, 712 Miller, C. R., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Miller, C. W., degree, 734 Miller, D. A,, degree, 219 Miller, D. G., degree, 709 Miller, D. S., degree, 731 Miller, E., degree, 709 Miller, E. L., appointments, 168, 294 degree, 497 Miller, F. H., degree, 709 Miller, G., appointments, 328, 679 Miller, George A., appointments, 110, 290, 640 Miller, G. 715 576R.,degree,241241 234 Miller, J. 219 R.,appointment,288, 660 fellowship, certificate, 720 scholarship, appointments, 310, degree,. M., 160certificate,21965 638 Gustav degree, 709 724 H. F., degree, 720 727 Helen appointments, S. B., commission, L. R., degrees,222 Mildred, degree, K. W.» A., commission, M S., degree, 714 R. W., Maurice, Howard S-, F., E., M., L., B., A., S., 229 731 232 389 715 239 717 714 219, 219 Melnick, P. J., certificate, 241 degree, 243 Meloy. C. 0., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Melville, V. C., degree, 709 Melvin, L. J., degree, 715 Membership in organizations, budget, 275, 623 Memler, R. E., degree, 219 Memorial, Brown, M . R., 73 Memorial Stadium Fund, reports, 108, 206, 376, 416. 49i Memorial tablet for M . E. Sparks, 703 Men, Dean of, budget, expense, 275, 623 salary, 278, 626 Men's dormitories, 47, 68, 492, 520 Men's Gymnasium, completion, 47 Mendelson, M . M., degree, 734 Meneely, D., appointments, 283, 631 retired, 27 Menges, B. L., degree, 709 Mercer County, Highway 83 right of way, 249 Meridian, C. F., degree, 242 Merker. M . E., degree, 219 Mernitz, A. M., degree, 219 Merrell, R. R., degree, 409 Merrell-Soule Powdered Whole Lactic Acid Milk, 453, 545 Merrill, F. L., degree, 244 Merrill, L. H., degree, 347 Merrill, R. D., degree, 226 Merrill, T. T„ degree, 234 Merryweather, H. L., degree, 219 Mershon, D., degree, 389 Mershon, D. G., certificate, 241 Meseck, R., appointment, 677 retired, 550 Mesirow, S. D., certificate, 732 Meskimen, L. C,, degree, 61 Mestek, S. E., degree, 709 Metals, fatigue of, teat, 83, 116, 559 rolling and heat treating, 606 Metcalf, C. L., appointments, 289, 638 Metcalf, F. T., degree, 499 Methods of purchasing, Comptroller's, 399 Mette, M . L, degree, 714 Mettler, L. H., retired, 538 Metz, A. R., appointments, 344, 696 Metz, R. K., degree, 232 Metzel, C. H., certificate, 732 Metzler, G. M., appointment, 394 Meyer, A. J., degree, 232 Meyer, A. K., degree, 731 Meyer, C. R., appointments, 315, 317, 664, 667 Meyer, E., appointment, 686 Meyer, E. A., degree, 722 Meyer, G. I., certificate, 241 Meyer, L..R.,E.degree,of, 133,344. 696443r 625 Microscopes,J.,degree, 712 302597, Michaels,V.H.,M.,appointments,427, 661 Michael,sold,appointment, 343, 575642316, 666 Meyers,H.O.E.purchase 499appropriations, 49 Michigan, 239 H.tdegrees,221 10 213, Michel,I. WUniversity 130 734 277, Michaud, G.appointments, 724 576 Miastowski,,, A.,appointments, 694 Meythaler,HT-,degree, of, 435347 degree,propertyappointments, house X. M., 27, 44degree, WH.718 appointments, S. A., commission, J.,I., degree, 237 H. 0., E.,scholarship, H.,K., scholarship, R.,.M., purchased, C„W., 347113 B., A., degree, 223 716 499
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