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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Lambert, A. C , degree, 61 Lambert, C. N., appointments, 332, 348, 683 Lambert, V„ degree, 232 Lamberton, M., appointments, 65, 208, 299 Lamoreux, R. E., commission, 724 degree, 717 Land, adjoining Research and Educational Hospital, 587 appropriation for legal services, 594 Carter-Pennell, sale, 70 Embarrass River drainage district, 541 Granite City, near, lease of, 585 Gregory Street, exchange of, 530 Jones' property, purchase of, 337, 387, 449 Meyers property, purchase of, 10 Noyes property, lease of, 519, 586 Main Street, opening of, 517 offer of, for forestry work, 472 Roselawn Cemetery, purchase, 607 balance reappropriated, 614 Lande, G. B., degree, 242 Lander, M . L., degree, 227 Landgren, P. W., degree, 499 Landhy, A. V., degree, 709 Landicho, M . Z., degree, 498 Landis, A., degree, 718 Landis, P. N., appointments, 288, 50a, 637 Lando, D. H., certificate, 732 Landscape Architecture, city planning options, 462 graduation requirements changed, 267 Landscaping the campus, balance reappropriated, 614 ornaments, contract, 565 reports, 264, 384 F. Vitale, 183 terra cotta vases, use of, 617 Landwehr, V. E., fees, 256 Lane, W . C , commission, 724 degree, 722 Lang, A. L., appointments, 310, 660 Lang, D. R., appointment, 638 Lang, G. B., appointments, 393» 641 Lang, J. L. T., degree, 715 Lang, J. M., appointments, 345. 696 Lang, Manorie, degrees, 130. 496 Lang, Morris, certificate, 243 degree, 734 Langdoc, W . W,, degree, 227 Langdon, L. E,, degree, 715 Langheinz, H. W,, degree, 410 Langilie, L. A., degree, 228 Langston, C. S., degree, 35 Language and Literature, Studies in, budget, 672 Language requirements, changed, L. A. S., 146 Lanham,WE.D.,testsappointments, 304,652 655 Laning,M.,L.degree,of, 709219709502729 654 Larsen, E. R., degree, 347 Large E., .appointment, 722 Laprade,F.M.T.,degree, 499 Ladegree, W728M.,degree, 712 Lapin,rollers,F.,Jr., 709225313 Lantin, J.WT\, appointments, Lansing,A.,L.,1.,appointments, 302, Lansford,J..A.,degree, 84242 328, I-ansford,WS..degree, degrees, 307 306, Lannon, E.,.degree, 408 722236408, 680 Larson, C. E., appointment, LaRocca, Cappointment,499 Larroore, F., Jr., appointments, Larm, R.,A., Ill, degree, Larkin, R.238D.,appointment, Porte, ,M.,degree, 288 K. T., degiee,240 H. F., degree,709 D. R., 181 777 Larson, J. R., degree, 713 Larson, L. M., appointment, 290 leave of absence, 401 Larson, L. N., appointment, 639 Larson, R. F., appointments, 302, 652 Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, budget, expenses, 326, 678 salaries, 329, 681 clinical faculty, 345, 697 Lash, A. F., appointments, 330, 681 degree, 243 Lashnet, E. J., degree, 232 Late registration fee, Graduate School, 149 Lau, T. L., degree, 62 Laube, G. R-, certificate, 241 degree, 240 Laue, B. E., degree, 221 Lauer, C. A., appointment, 426 degree, 456 Laughner, F. M.r appointments, 393, 626 Lavicka, R. W., degree, 714 Lavieri, F. J., certificate, 241 Law, College of, appropriation, library, 113 budget, salaries, 321, 671 gift, books, 149 Green portrait, 253 graduation requirements changed, 245 laboratory fees, 251 payment of fees, 583 requirements, new, 566 scholarship eup, gift, 13 7 Law, G. C , appointments, 324, 674 Law, R. M., degree, 219 Lawrence, A., appointment, 470 Lawrence, R. M., appointments, 244, 306, 656 Lawrie, H. E., degree, 219 Laws, I. J., degree, 61 Laws of the Board of Trustees, Article 46, 439, 451 amendment to By-Laws, 580, 590 Laws concerning University, appropriation for reprinting, 188, 336 balance reappropriated, 271, 613 Lawson, B. C , appointments, 299, 504, 649 Lawson, E., painter of "Pikes Peak," 450 Lawson, E, J., Jr., commission, 724 degree, 715 Lawson, F. R-, degree, 219 Lawson, K. L., degree, 709 Lawson, M. F., appointments, 324, 505, 67s Layman, H. F., degree, 35 Layman, J. A., degree, 73 r Layman, R. L., degree, 222 Layman, W . M., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Layng, T. E., appointment, 285 patentrightsreleased, 69 Layson,Americandegree,722of 433,96, 161, 542, 586 Lazere,nearJ.,certificate,34585, 586 120 Layton,J.L.,1105585,City,219 stretching of, 58, 83, Learner, L.E.L.,degree,586 Company, Leamon,540O.,degree,40473, Leader, A..A.M.,586 339722732 454 Lead88, M.Bell,elimination241 Leach, A. C.M.,25, 606606236 343519 Lease, S.243A., 200, Company, Leary, M G.,C401Can Nevada, resignation, 200, 384 498 land E.R., appointment, degree,G.P., Telephone Wilson, L.t certificate, Nahin,House,25West Johnson,H., , degree, Carter-Pennelldegree, Noyes Moore, K., 586 Illinois A.,C Farms, Edelman, Granite Buenger, V., 8825, School, property, Pickup, Brown, S., sheaths,
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