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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Blackburn, R. E„ degree, 238 Blacker, G. C , degree, 707 Blackman, E. O., degree, 408 Blackstone, G. R., appointments, 325, 676 Blackwell, M . L., appointment, 287 death benefit, 575 leave of absence, 401 Blair, J. C , appointments, 315, 66; Blair, R. L., appointments, 288, 638 Blaisdell, C , appointments, 442, 625 Blaisdell, D. L., appointments, 200, 639 Blake, G. S., degree, 500 Blake, L. E., degree, 712 Blakely, W , A., appointments, 244, 292, 642 Blalock, H. W.t degree, 235 fellowships, 160, 576 Blanchard, J. E., degree, 410 Blanchard.W.O., appointments, 110,289,502,639 Blanck, E. E., certificate, 241 Bland, W . W., commission, 724 degree, 711 Blank, M., degree, 130 Blaszak, M . P., degree, 242 Blatt, M . L., appointments, 343. 695 Blayney, J. R., appointments, 333, 685 Bledsoe, W., appointment, 524 Bleicher, L., degree, 242 Blickensdorfer, P., appointments, 480, 681 BHss, H. H.t appointments, 286, 635, 735 Block, L. H., appointments, 424. 532. 639 degree, 729 Block, M . E., degree, 499 Blomquist, A. T., appointments, 532, 636 degree, 407 Blomquist, E. G-, degree, 723 Blood, K. C , degree, 707 Blood albumen in spray materials, 598 Blood chemistry, monograph on, appropriation, 509 Bloom, C. R., degree, 240 Bloom, M., appointments, 288, 637 Bloomer, H, H., degree, 707 Bloomfield, M., appointments, 34s, 348, 697 Blough. M . E., degree, 389 Blueprinting, budget, salaries, 631 Blum, T. W., degree, 721 Blumenfeld, C- H „ degree, 718 B'nai B'rith, gift, 545 Board of Natural Resources and Conservation, patent policy, 148 well drilling problems, 148 Board of Trustees, Amendments, to Article 4.6,439, 45i to By-Laws, 580, 590 appropriation for audit, 187 Bodman,E.,.L.,appointments,531 Bodine,Fellowship, 449. /ojo-jj, of, Bodenschatz,degree,159Education, 679 Bodach,ofW497584appointment,36, Illinois Bock, S.,H.,piessdegree,477.285442t284, 469 Boardman,407S.,degree, 388707712 5>4. 561,State, Board L.E.expense,degree,623 5"» 547646 501 586 Bogusch,252, R.,Agriculture, 284 Bogle, G. absence, 575 223 683 Bogart, L. appointments, a Bogardus, 231 appointment, 578 Boewe, B.,of on degree, 234member Boelio,forE.276,appointments, 296, meetings,K.,D. E.,275, 331, electionL.Vocationaldegree, committee officers,721 132 leave I. President degree, H., appointments, Carr standing committees, Committees, 52,admitted, budget, N., E.,624 536 gifts, commission, salary, contracts, 745 Bohrod, M . G., appointments, 152, 330 Boice, L. A., appointments, 278, 625 Boikan, W., appointments, 152, 390, 532 degree, 734 Boiler, portablefirebox, gift of, 513 Boiler Feed Water Treatment, 83, 540 Boiler Furnace Refractories, 84, 116 Boiler House Addition, 47, 51, 704 Boiler waters, solubility of, 540, 546, 597 Boldt, R. W., degree, 499 Bolin, M . A., degree, 723 Boling, H. A., degree, 223 Boljesik, G. W., degree, 733 Bolotin, M . T., appointments, 343, 695 Bonar, A., appointments, 325, 505 Bond, E., appointments, 320, 671 Bond, G. S., appointment, 424 degree, 707 Bond, J. L., degree, 718 Bond, O'Neill Construction Company, 607 treasurers*, premium on, 623 Bonds, Booth St. Louis, Cold Storage, sale of, 46. 97 order for sale rescinded, 122 use of income, 197 building contracts, 255 Business Office employees, 560 Capron, H. S., 457 change of date in, 477 premium on, 460 College of Physicians and Surgeons, 403 See also Bonds, Dental Building Comptroller's, transfer, 417, 514 Dental Building, 79, 124, 357 canceled, 118, 403. 434 purchase authorized, 163 retired, 197 E. E. Society Loan Fund, to be sold, 122 Fourth Liberty Loan, purchase, 404 Key Transit System, 212, 358, 434 listed as not legal for trust funds in Illinois, 122 surety companies furnishing, 575 Treasurers', 143. 165, 457» 460, 477* 623 Vancouver Lumber Co., interest unpaid, 599 See also Trust fund investments, Comptroller Bone, R. O., degree, 721 Bonge, C. M-, degree, 409 Bonin, G. von, appointments, 508, 679 Bonjean, R. C , degree, 718 Bonnett, O. T., appointments, 311, 660 Bontjes, J. H „ degree, 707 Bonzi, M . D., degree, 236 Boodell, T. J., degree, 228 Book paper, purchase of, 543, 702. Bookcases, gift of, 564 Booth,M P.R~, 44 Cold Storage244296, sale Boos, St.K-,S.,Georgetown241bonds, 646 Boor, A..A.,. appointments,College,545 Boon, ofgifts,L-,appointments, 124343. 695 Books,M .A.,Jr.,degree,390564666453,683 684 BookletWD.,235degree,545gifts,331,332,599 of, 46. °7 Borst, purchase rescinded, Borovsky,L., 149,agreement, Borman,toCM , appointment, Borden Company, appointments, Borchers, C.sale 137161, 221 Bopp, R.fromdegree, 721242 63, Booth J.income,degree,224 122 Borg, . 498 degree, Boren, forA., certificate, Bordner, E., P.,of, 498 Borth, Louis 197 242 Boruff, 60appointments, degree, H., request C use order B„ degree, acknowledge surgical, for Rosenwald,
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