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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

7H BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 In Accountancy and Banking and Finance Rexford Clark Parmelee, with Robert Lawrence Brody High Honors in Accountancy; Melvin Daniel Collinson with Honors i Banking and n D Lyle Dieterle Finance William Andrew Elliott Jack R Stein, with High Honors Robert Ellsworth Lee, with High in Accountancy Honors in Accountancy and in David Miller Van Doren, with Banking and Finance High Honors in Accountancy; Richard Charles Malone with Honors i Banking and n Robert Wallace Mayer Finance COLLEGE O F ENGINEERING Degree of Bachelor of Science In Architecture Melvin Rudolph Beckstrom William Mathew MacPhehson Charles F A Behrensmeyer Walter Lockwood Martling Edmundo Buddenberg Charles Thomas Masterson Clinton Anderson Campbell Milton Samuel Miller Herbert Frederick Depke Edward Naylor Moore Temple Charles Dick George Washington Murison, Jr. William Allaman Ganster William Leonard Pereira Harry Jones Harman Dorothy Veronica Mary Held Buford Lindsay Pickens Francis Joseph Heusel Vincent Gerard Raney Henry Leveke Kamphoefner William Vernon Reed, with Honors Donald Raymond Laidig Robert Alden Rodgers Robert William Lavicka Mayer Daniel Schlesinger Paul Kemp Lehman In ArchitecturalWalter Reece Schwartz Engineering Anthony William Linkonis Victor Leonard Opperman William Wolf Benn Paul Bliss Swain Glenn Waldo Cratn, Jr. Thelo Carpenter Weintz Ralph Russell Lyon Clair Selmar Pabst Harlow Otto Panhorst Paul Anker Christensen Wiley Edward Pruner Curtis Walter Dollins JUDSON BURSON ROUTH, Jr. Eugene Arthur Dubin Leslie Frank Ryburn Eli Louis Elman Edward George Schaefer Raymond Ellis Fisher Harvey Andrew Edwin Scheel Robert Frank Ganschinietz Carl Julius Scheve, with High Honors Charles Overton Harris Roy Henry Seybold, with Honors Carl Reichert Herlan Samuel Emanuel Shapiro James Lee Kirkland, Jr. Edward Joseph Slych John Wesley Kochendorfer Louis Richard Solomon Kenneth James Lowry with Thomas Geer Taylor John Wesley McCarty Ross Melvin Wallis Minnie Isobel Mette wllas Samuel S Miller In Ceramics gunnell weinberg, High Honors Albert Otis Myers Earl Fredrick Schaefer Herold Arthur Winter Harry Nelson In Ceramic Engineering Dwight Granville Bennett, with Gordon L Bryant High Honors Robert Maurice Hainsfurther
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