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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLIKOIS 693 DEPOSIT F U N D S The following accounts are deposit accounts to which deposits are made by students for the use of certain equipment and facilities and against which refunds are charged when the equipment or facilities have been vacated. T h e balances and receipts of these accounts are appropriated for this purpose. Estimated Total Deposits 1930-31 Band Uniforms $ 4 000 00 Chicago Student Deposits 14 000 ool Graduate School Thesis Deposits 2 000 oo1 Key Deposits 200 00 Military Department Fund 100 00 Military Deposits 50 000 00 Towel Fund—Men's 2 900 00 Total (Not included in Budget Totals) $86 000 oo! Towel Fund—Women's 600 00 SPECIAL NON-RECURRING APPROPRIATIONS Militaryrecommendation that the following non-recurring appropriations 000 made Uniforms 14 be 00 (10) A from the unappropriated balance of general income as of June 30, 1930. These appropriations are not included in the totals of the 1930-31 budget. Liberal Arts and Sciences, Equipment $ 5 ooo8 Engineering, Equipment 10 ooo* Agriculture, Equipment 5 000' Medicine Equipment 10 ooo* S u m m e r work in proteins (Physiological Chemistry) 500 Dentistry, Equipment 1 ooo* Graduate School, Illinium Research 5 000 Music, Equipment 3 700' University Press, Equipment 1 800 Industrial Agriculture, Research 7 000 Art Collection 10 000 Archaeological Explorations 2 000 Alumni N e w s 3 000 Photography, Equipment 75° President's Office, Salaries 9 000 Military Bands (replacement of instruments) 4 000 Radio Station, Equipment 250 Physical Education M e n , Equipment 400 President's House, additional , 50 000 Paving Assessments S3 °°° Illinois Union For rent of rooms in the Union Building for meetings approved by the President, of faculty committees, of organizations authorized by and under the authority of the University, or sponsored by the $182 400 Total University; meetings of organizations to which the University is host or of conventions or meetings called by the University, and for the right of prior claims on the use of rooms necessary for such 'Balance lapses into part of the University, including auditorium, dance purposes on the General Funds June 30. sBalance and committee rooms September 1. hall, lapses into General Funds 1 000 'Unencumbered balance lapses April I, 1931.
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