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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 689 Estimated Expenditures In Engineering (all Research) Expense and Ceramics Salaries Equipment Total Boiler Furnace Refractories1 Clay Sewer Pipe $ 3 300 00 5 2 700 00 $ 6 000 00 Drying of Clay Wares1 Enameling on Sheet Steel1 Feldspars Investigation1 Ageing of Porcelain 6 500 00 6 500 00 Enamel Baked in Gas Fired Furnaces1 Chemical Engineering Partial Oxidation ResearchChemical Foundation... . 3 800 00 3 700 00 7 500 00 Illinois Gas Association Graduate Assistantship in Research 1 200 00 1 200 00 Flue Gas Corrosion 3 800 00 3 800 00 Water Treatment for Ice Making 4 OOO OO 4 OOO CO Gas Heating Effect on Flues and Piping 3 600 00 3 600 00 Solubility of Boiler Waters... 4 000 00 1 300 00 5 300 00 Civil Engineering Biaxial Stresses1 Riveted Connections1 Jointing Materials for Sewer Pipe 1 500 00 1 500 00 Reinforced Concrete Arches Investigation 6 000 00 6 000 00 Concrete Arches Investigation 600 00 600 00 1 200 00 Concrete Columns Investigation I OOO OO I OOO OO Cylindrical Shells as Columns 1 350 00 1 350 00 High Temperature Fatigue of Metals1 Joints in Wide Plates 1 350 00 1 350 00 Tests of Large Rollers1 Electrical Engineering Testing High Voltage Cables. . 2 200 00 800 00 3 000 00 Mechanical Engineering W a r m Air Furnace Research., 4 100 00 900 00 5 000 00 Steam and Hot Water Heating Research 3 200 00 3 200 00 Illinois Coals—Combustion Research1 Mining Engineering Illinois Coals—Washability Tests1 Railway Engineering Locomotive Syphon Tests1 Theoretical and Applied M e chanics Cast Iron Pipe Investigation1 Concrete with Light Aggregate 'Balance JuneSteel Structures.... ($38 000 193031.(¥35 450 00) (¥74 350 00 Stretching of Lead Sheaths1 FissuresinFailures to be Re- 3 100 00 Car Axlein 30,Engineering expended 2 900 00) Impactsearch 1930, Total for Investigation Steel Rails during 3 250 00 4 500 3 000 00) 4 500 2 250 100
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