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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 687 Sa lary 15. C. W . Clarke, Associate D 3 300 1 200 16. , Instructor E 1 800 17. Rebecca Rosenblum, Assistant E 1 500 1 400 18. E. R. P. Kirch, Assistant E 1 500 19. P. G. Soderdahl, Assistant E 1 400 20. Gilbert Mintz, Assistant E 21. Marion Kasbeer, Assistant E 1 000 Pharmacy 3 800 22. C. M . Snow, Professor A 1 750 23. R. E. Terry, Assistant Professor D 1 7<;°) 3 500) 24. S. W . Morrison, Associate and Pharmacist in the Research 2 700 Hospital D 2 600 (See College of Medicine 2 600 (Total Salary 2 000 25. L. E. Martin, Instructor E 1 700 1 700 26. H. M . Emig, Instructor E 1 700 27. S. Shkolnik, Instructor (To act as pharmacist in the Research 1 200 1 000 Hospital, part time) D 28. J.J. Ocenasek, Assistant E 1 200 29 M . Balin, Assistant E 1 200 30. R. Reifler, Assistant E 2 100 31. L. Templeton, Assistant E 1 600 32. , Assistant E 1 440 33. , Assistant E 1 260 General 34. A. Burger, Technician E 35. K. B. Teague, Technician E 36. Mary M . Scanlan, Secretary to the Dean (Exempt) D 37. Dorothea M . Wheeler (Mrs.), Clerk and Library Attendant (C.S.) 38. Tillie Tinsky, Stenographer (C. S.) 39. Leona M . Frankovich, Stenographer (C. S.) Total, School of Pharmacy $ 88 450 SELF-SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES The balances, receipts, and credits of the following self-supporting funds and activities are appropriated for the expense of operation and maintenance of these activities: Estimated Expenditures Expense and Salaries Equipment Total Woman's Residence Halls $5 325 00 $ 89 675 00 $ 95 000 00 Davenport House 1 425 00 16 575 00 18 000 00 McKinley Hospital 2 500 00 37 500 00 40 000 00 •Balance lapses into General University Income June 30. Tenant Properties1 3 00° °° 3 °°° °° Total $9 250 00 $146 750 00 J156 000 00
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