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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

676 board of trustees [June 19 $ 6 500 Health Service (including Hygiene) Salary 1. J. H. Beard, Professor of Hygiene A University Health Officer D 2. V. A. Ross, Assistant Health Officer, Senior Medical Adviser for Men D 3. Maude Lee Etheredge, Professor of Hygiene A Medical Adviser for W o m e n D 4. J. R. Cain, Assistant Professor of Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 5. Virgil M . Gilchrist Wheeler, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for W o m e n D 6. G. R. Blackstone, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 7. H. C. Gebhart, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D 8. M a y Millbrook, Assistant in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Women D 9. L. D.Lewis, Instructor in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for Men D :o. L. Total, Health Service in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for N. Judah, Instructor MILITARY Men D i. C. W . Brandstadt, Instructor in Hygiene, Medical Adviser 11. WayneWeeks, Professor of Military Science and Tactics.... D 2. F. A. March, Supply Officer, R. 0. T. C for Men DD 3. A. Pinsenshaum, Storekeeper, R. O. T. C Medical Adviser D 12. Marjorie M . Smarzo, Assistant in Hygiene, 4. N. C. Cochrane, Property Clerk, R. O. T. C D for W o m e n E 5. Jennie L. McWilliams (Mrs.), Stenographer (C. S.) 6. Frances Lee, Stenographer (C. S.) 7. Marie Doyle, Stenographer (C. S.) 8. Helen Byland, Stenographer (C. S.) .... 9. 3 student-assistants to give instruction in Military Science Total, Military 10. 160 student-assistantships for cadet officers ($25 per Mckinley hospital 1. Katesemester) N . Putnam, Superintendent of McKinley Hospital... D (Part of salary of George Gere, Junior Accountant in Business Office, also charged here) (Salary paid from operating receipts of the Hospital and not McKinley the budget Total, included inHospital total) 5 000 4 250 3 75° 2 750 3 000 3 500 2 500 3 000 $ 43 250 3 300 9001 6001 3000 6001 16001 700 1 500 1 020 1 080 960 300 $ 15 560 $ 8 000 $ 2 400s 100 $ a 500 ^hese men are members of the U. S. Army and receive in addition salary from the U. S. Government. *With maintenance, including living quarters, board and laundry while hospital is in operation.
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