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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 65 Jordan, Garrett Lowell, Assistant in Poultry Husbandry, in the Department of Animal Husbandry, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, beginning September 15, 1928, and continuing until August 31, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200) a month, this superseding his previous appointment. (September 21, 1928) Knowlton, Marjorie, Laboratory Technician in the McKinley Hospital, beginning September 20, 1928, and continuing until September 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) a month, with maintenance while the hospital is being operated. (September 20, 1028) Lamberton, Margaret, Stenographer and Clerk in the University High School, in the College of Education, beginning September 11, 1928, and continuing until September 1, 1929, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred ten dollars ($110) a month. (October 2, 1928) Lilja, Paul Gustave, Instructor and Examiner in the Infirmary, in the College of Dentistry, on one-half time, for one year beginning September I, 1928, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars ($2000). (October I, 1028) Ludolph, Paul Christian, Assistant in Physics, for ten months beginning September 1, 1928, at a cash compensation of one thousand four hundred dollars ($1400), this superseding his previous appointment. (September 21, 1928) Miller, Mrs. Mildred, Stenographer in the Department of Zoology, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1928, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) a month. (October 2, 1028) Monack, Albert James, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, for ten months beginning September 1, 1928, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars ($600). (September 20, 1928) Mulvane, Ora Edwin, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Ceramic Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, for ten months beginning September 1, 1928, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars ($600). (September 20, 1928) Oster, Fred H., Student Assistant in the Air Corps Unit, in the Department of Military Science, for ten months beginning September 1, 1928, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars ($100). (September 26, 1928) Pollock, Alyce Margaret, Social Service Worker and Stenographer, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1928, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred thirty-three dollars thirty-three cents ($133.33) a month. (October 2, 1928) Purdy, J. R., Assistant in Mathematics, on one-third time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1028, at a cash compensation of five hundred dollars ($500) this superseding his previous appointment. (September 21, 1928) Rattner, Herbert, Assistant in Dermatology, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1928, without salary. (October 5, 1928) Reuss, George Horace, Assistant in Farm Organization and Management, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for nine months beginning October I, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (September 28, 1928) Schaede, Frank W., Laboratory Helper in the Department of Botany, beginning September 19, 1928, and continuing until September I, I92g, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of ninety dollars ($90) a month. (September 22, 1928) Schlots, Fred Emerson, Assistant in the Soil Experiment Fields, in the Department of Agronomy, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for eleven Animal Husbandry, Josephine, SecretaryExperiment 1928) the the rate of one hundred beginning Octoberappointment. month.the Head Civil for ($1500) this months atwenty-five1, 1928,1,($125) at a (Octoberof the of dollarsone Commissuperseding hercompensation of one thousand (September at Department of sion, Schmalhausen, dollars subject to the to compensation 22, 1928) ginning September in the Agricultural cash five 9, Station, Service year beat cash previous 1928, a rules hundred
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