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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

634 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [June 19 Salary $ 6 000 D 2 400 E 1 700 EG50 700 EG50 700 1 600 J 13 100 A Bacteriology 1. F, W . Tanner, Professor and Head of Department 2. G. I. Wallace, Associate 3. Francis M . Clark, Assistant 4. Evan Wheaton, Assistant 5. John B. Rehm, Assistant 6. A. L. Moody, Laboratory Helper (C. S.) Total, Bacteriology Botany 1. C. F. Hottes, Professor A $ 5 000 Head of Department D (See College of Agriculture 1 000) (Total Salary 6 000) 2. W . Trelease, Professor, Emeritus 2 280 3. F. L. Stevens, Professor (On leave without pay, 1930-31).. A 5 500 4. J. T. Buchholz, Professor A 6 000 5. A. G. Vestal, Associate Professor A 4 200 6. A. D. Moinat, Instructor E 2 200 7. Stella M . Hague, Instructor E 1 400 8. J. E. Barnes, Assistant EG50 700 9. Leona B. Bayly, Assistant EG50 600 10. Rhoda B. Crouch, Assistant EG50 700 11. C. C. Doak, Assistant EG25 300 12. J. F. Normand, Assistant EG50 600 13. , Assistant EG50 600 14. Charlotte Brown, Assistant EG50 700 15. Ruth E. Crabbe, Assistant EG50 700 16. L. Campbell, Assistant EG50 700 17. H. W . Conner, Assistant EG50 700 18. , Assistant EG50 600 19. Myrle M . Burk, Assistant EG50 600 20. Edna Old, Assistant EG50 600 21. T. M . Sperry, Assistant EG50 700 22. , Research Assistant EG50 600 23. Frances B. Cottrell, Assistant EG50 600 24. Total, BotanyAssistant , EG50 $ 42 570 600 25. Annie L. Pleasants, Assistant Chemistry EG2< 350 26. RogerPetticrewProfessorClerk (C. S.) " 1 140 1. Nina Adams, (Mrs.), of Organic Chemistry and Head of 27, J. H. Ernest, Laboratory Helper and Mechanician (C. S.). A $ 101000 700 Department 28. W . W . Schaede, Laboratory Helper (C. S.) 1 200 2. F. A. Noyes, Professor, Emeritus 3 000 3. S. W . Parr, Professor, Emeritus 3 000 4. W . C. Rose, Professor of Physiological Chemistry A 7 500 5. B. S. Hopkins, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry A 6 000 6. A. M . Buswell, Professor of Sanitary Chemistry AG40 2 200 (Paid by State Water Survey 3 300) (Total Salary 5 500) 7. W . H. Rodebush, Professor of Physical Chemistry A 6 000 8. D. B. Keyes, Professor of Industrial Chemistry A 3 000 (See College of Engineering 3 000) (Total Salary 6 000) 9. G. L. Clark, Professor A 5 500 10. C. S. Marvel, Professor A 4 800 11. T. E. Phipps, Associate Professor (On leave without pay, 1930-3 0 A 3 ?°°
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