Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 623 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES A N D DEPARTMENTS A N D GENERAL. EXPENSE Summary Total Administrative Offices and General Departments Board of Trustees $ 1 000 00 $ 8 200 00 $ 9 200 00 President's Office 42 080 00 3 900 00 45 980 00 Legal Counsel 1 380 00 240 00 1 620 00 Business Office 77 060 00 13 525 00 90 585 00 Registrar's Office 31 900 00 16 500 00 48 400 00 Dean of M e n 17 700 00 16 115 00 33 815 00 Dean of W o m e n 13 970 00 4 000 00 17 970 00 Senate 800 00 400 00 1 200 00 Information Office 2 500 00 2 i;o 00 4 650 00 University Press 7 200 00 18 100 00 25 300 00 Military Bands 11 150 00 2 300 00 13 450 00 High School Visitor 16 400 00 3 600 00 20 000 00 High School Conference 2 500 00 2 500 00 Publicity 7 350 00 3 750 00 11 100 00 Alumni Records 9 400 00 3 223 00 il 623 00 Community Adviser 4 500 00 1 500 00 6 000 00 Photography General Expense Historical and Publishing 4 000 00 4 000 00 Student's Handbook 500 00 500 00 Honor's Day 650 00 650 00 Council of Administration 1 750 00 1 750 00 Convocations 1 000 00 1 000 00 Commencement 3 000 00 3 000 00 Radio Station 3 108 00 3 108 00 Visiting Professorships, Lectures, and other functions 8 000 00 8 000 00 Educational Conferences and Investigations 1 500 00 1 500 00 Injuries to Employees 3 000 00 3 000 00 President's Reception and Entertainment Fund 3 000 00 3 000 00 President's Incidental and Emergency Fund 1 500 00 1 500 00 Membership in Organizations 710 00 710 00 Audits 2 500 00 2 500 00 Intramural Debating 500 00 500 00 Patents on Discoveries and Inventions 1 000 00 1 000 00 Premium on Treasurer's Bond.... 5 000 00 5 000 00 Sub-total (244 390 00) (140 721 00) (3S5 i n 00) Revolving Entrance Examinations Fund.. 1 975 00 6 500 00 8 475 00 Total $246 365 00 $147 221 00 $393 586 00 Salaries Expense and Equipment