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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1930] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 6ll S U M M A R Y OF BUDGET APPROPRI A T I O K IS, ' 930- a : I 1 31 Expen se an: d Urbana-Champaign Salaries Equi'i'tment Toll a Departments General 2 $ 147 2 1 00 $ 393 586 00 General Administrative Offices Hi 019 00 280 869 00 and General Expense.. . .$ 246 365 00 649 000 OO 682 134 00 Library 135 850 00 130 000 00 130 000 00 Physical Plant Operation 33 134 00 130 7°5 00 I 167 485 00 Physical Plant Extension 3 255 00 29 805 00 6 025 OO 218 915 00 Colleges and Schools 19 725 00 1 9 225 00 8 Liberal Arts and Sciences. ... 1 036 780 00 86 290 00 679 176 00 Journalism 26 550 00 780 500 00 285 258 00 Commerce 212 890 00 10 000 00 Education 169 600 00 7 200 OO -3 1 1 44 6 60 000 00 Engineering 592 886 00 33 217 7° 239 624 34 Agriculture 4 294 12 4° 167 4S 25b 66o OO 2(11 600 00 University Appropriations. . 495 242 00 (609 791 26) (I 391 891 82) Cook County Experiment 2 500 OO 28 800 00 3 55° OO 82 250 00 Station (State) 1 800 00 3 775 OO 5 515 00 8 Purnell Fund 3683856 66 650 co 3° 35° OO Smith-Lever Fund 206 406 64 25 000 OO 129 200 00 3 250 OO I 810 00 S Capper-Ketcham Fund. . . . 35 873 36 4 000 00 84 000 00 Sale? 4 940 00 Total, Agriculture (-82 100 56) 88 1 9 OO 0 102 169 00 Library Science 26 300 00 103 725 OO 458 518 00 Law 78 700 00 31 950 OO 152 790 00 -5 200 in 00 Music 54 740 00 (2 249 440 OO (6 458 6 co 82) 26) 538 Graduate School 36 300 00 1 6 750 00 4 156 000 00 107 °57 00 204 227 00 Physical Welfare 104 200 00 Military 15 560 00 $i 5°3 247 26 $6 818 765 82 Summer Session (1931) 80 000 00 Chicago Departments Chicago General and Physical Plant 14 060 00 Medicine 354 793 00 Dentistry 119 840 00 Pharmacy 88 450 00 Sub-total (4 209 098 56) Self-supporting Enterprises. . . 9 250 00 Expendable Trust Funds 97 170 00 Grand Total $4 315 518 56'
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