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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

6i6 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES NMtand Thumm Co. *74 447 00 1 100 00 1 440 00 2 548 00 [June 19 Federal Eng. Co. E. J. Young Base Bid No. 1 $74 97S 00 grco 000 00 Bond 1 107 00 1 400 00 Alternate No. 2 Deduct 1 4+0 00 Alternate No. 3 Add 2 183 00 3 000 00 Alternate No. 4 Deduct 1 224 00 1 000 00 Alternate No. 5 Deduct 3 000 00 2 640 00 3 000 00 Alternate No. 6 Deduct 600 00 204 00 500 00 Mr. J. O. Merrill, of the firm of Granger & Bollenbacher, made a statement concerning the bids and the bidders, and recommended as follows: t. We therefore recommend that the ventilating contract be awarded to the said low bidder, the Narowetz Heating & Ventilating Company on the basis of their base bid of $65,373. On motion of Mr. Trees, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidders, the Narowetz Heating & Ventilating Company, as recommended. 2. We recommend that the electrical contract be awarded to the low bidder, the Chester Johnson Electric Company for the base bid of $49,820. On motion of Dr. Noble, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidders, the Chester Johnson Electrical Company, as recommended. 3. Our recommendation therefore is that the plumbing contract be awarded to the United Plumbing & Heating Company on the basis of their base bid of $56,700. On motion of Dr. Noble, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidders, the United Plumbing & Heating Company, as recommended. 4. A statement that the specifications for the elevators which the lowest bidde proposed to install did not correspond to the specifications on which bids were taken. On motion of Dr. Noble, this matter was referred to the architects for further consideration. CONTRACTS FOR WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM (8) Schedules of bids and recommendations of the Supervising Architect for the construction of the W o m a n ' s Gymnasium. WO MA N'SG YMNA SI UM—GENERA L A—If cement finish is substituted for Kalman finish, deduct. B B — I f plastering, etc., is omitted in R o o m s 203 and 204,A except on dividing 8 356 00 $5 440 00 partition, deduct. 7 286 00 4 679 00 8 400 00 5 326 00 Bidders Bids 0 347 00 4 300 00 1. H. G. Whittenberg, Louisville £226 000 00 8 000 00 4 000 00 2. English Bros., Champaign 228 987 00 3. Wahl Constr. Co., Chicago 230 500 00 4. A. W . Stoolman, Champaign 231 987 00 5. Jacobson Bros., Chicago 255 000 00 A WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM—HEATING Bids Bidders Add 00 $10 is installed, A—If Powers Regulator Co. system534 00 $ 150 add or deduct. B — I f National Regulator Co. system is installed, add or deduct. Johnson Bros. Plbg. & Htg. Co.. 9 400 00 752 00 B Arthur Murray Company.... 10 200 OO I 000 00 Reliable Plbg. & Htg. Co 9 717 OO Deduct Add Deduct Ryan Plbg. & Htg. Co $100 00 116 00 3. Hanley & Co 4. Johnson Bros. Plbg. & Htg. Co.. 940000 752 00 10400 5. Arthur Murray Company 10 200 00 1 000 00 6. Reliable Plbg. & Htg. Co 9 717 00 J09 20
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