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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

556 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 9 M A T T E R S P R E S E N T E D B Y PRESIDENT K I N L E Y The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. APPOINTMENT OF DR. JOHN A. GOFF AS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF THERMODYNAMICS (i) O n recommendation of the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Dean of the College I recommend that Dr. John A. Goff, Research Engineer with the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company of Pittsburgh, be appointed Associate Professor of Thermodynamics beginning September i, 1930, at an annual salary of $4500. This appointment is tofillthe vacancy created by the death of Professor Goodenough. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appointment w a s m a d e . PROMOTIONS AND OTHER CHANGES IN THE STAFF FOR 1 930-31 (2) A report that I have authorized the following important promotions in the staff for the year 1930-31: 1. Dr. Reynold C. Fuson, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, to be Associate Professor at a salary of $3800. 2. Dr. Ralph Lloyd Shriner, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, to be Associate Professor at a salary of $3800. I also report that I have accepted the resignation of Dr. Leonard F. Yntema, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, to become effective September 1, 1930. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , the action of the President of the University in these matters w a s confirmed. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS MARY A. MCKEE (3) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that Miss Mary A. McKee, Extension Specialist in Junior Club Work, be given leave of absence without pay for one month in addition to her regular vacation of one month, leaving June 7 and returning to duty August 7, in order that she may accompany two girls from Illinois, who won a national clothing demonstration contest held in Chicago at the time 0/ the Internationa! Stock Exhibition under the auspices of the National 4-H Club Congress, to Europe. These two girls are not University students but are enrolled in 4-H Club work in connection with our Extension Service. I recommend that this leave be granted. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS JOS1 E B. HOUCHENS (4) A request from Miss Josie B. Houchens, Binding Librarian and Lecturer in the Library School, for a leave of absence during the month of July without pay to enable her to teach Library Science in the summer session of Columbia University. Arrangements can be made to take care of her work here. Director Windsor recommends approval and I concur. O n motion of D r . Noble, this leave w a s granted. TRIBUTE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO MRS. M A R Y ELIZABETH B O W E N - B U S E Y O n motion of Mrs. Evans, the following resolution was adopted. The members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois record with profound sorrow and a sense of great loss the death on April 7, 1930, of their honored and beloved colleague, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bowen-Busey. Mrs. Busey was born on June 21, 1854, at Delphi, Indiana, where she spent her childhood and the early years of her womanhood. She came to Urbana following her marriage to Colonel Samuel T. Busey in 1877. From 1905 until her death she served continuously as a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, giving gener-
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