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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

514 b o a r d of trustees [February 5 The Income for the quarter under audit has been verified by extensive detail checking and comparison with thefilesof the Registrar and of the various operating departments. The accounts of the Chicago Departments and of the Stadium Fund have been audited along the lines indicated above and have been found correct. T h e records of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of October 10, November 15, and December 4 and 12, 1929, have been examined and all actions affecting the finances of the University, in so far as they had been consummated up to the time of our audit, have been checked into the books of account. A similar examination has been made of the minutes of previous meetings held during the current and the preceding year, with respect to items that had not been consummated at the time of previous audits. The records of the Purchase Department have been examined, and a number of the larger purchase orders issued have been compared with relative bids and quotations. W e hereby certify, that so far as w e have been able to ascertain by an extended detail examination, All Income which the University should have received during the quarter ended December 31, 1929, has been received and duly accounted for. All Disbursements have been made for University purposes and have been properly authorized, and the expenditures have been correctly recorded in the books of account. The Cash and Securities as shown by the books at December 31, 1929, are correct in amount and have been verified by actual inspection, count or confirmation from the depository. The Report of the Comptroller to the Board of Trustees for the quarter ended December 31, 1929, a copy of which is attached hereto, is in accordance with the books and, in our opinion, is correct. T h e Financial Report of the Comptroller to the Governor of the State of Illinois, for the period beginning July 1, 1929, and ending December 31, 1929, is in accordance with the books, and, in our opinion, is correct. Yours faithfully, Arthur Young & Company This report was received for record. TRANSFER OF COMPTROLLER'S BOND (29) A report from M r . H . M . Edwards, formerly Acting Comptroller, that the bond for £25,000 which was carried in his name from September 1, 1929, to February 1, 1930, was terminated and that M r . Lloyd Morey's bond was renewed as of the latter date. T h i s report w a s received for record. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (30) T h e following report from the Acting Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE ACTING COMPTROLLER JANUARY 4, 1930, TO JANUARY 31, 1930 Minor contract executed under general regulations: Amount to be received by the Name University Date Item Illinois State Board for Vo- Regular Fees January 21, Regular instruction in College of Educational Education 1930 ucation to be rendered to Margaret Mankey for one year from February 1, 1930. panyMotor Sales Com- Truck Amount INDepartment PURCHASE ORDER ISSUED$1000 JANUARYDairy Budget ForCollege Competitive Reo Vendor Hem $1075 00 Dairy MORE AMOUNTING in OR Appropriation Made TO Procedure J.Creamery Purchasing Agent E.Acting MlLLIZEN
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