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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

193°1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF P H A R M A C Y 50I Degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist Philip Wilens Becker Arthur Meyer Rosenthal Dale M. Bixler Maurice Robert Sachs Burton Bowman Louis Susman John E. Coughlin Harold Alfred Vick Clarence A. Frew John Simon George VonDrasek William Gerbosi Samuel Bell Winer Sol E. Levinson Sam Worshill O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this authority was granted. SUMMER SESSION STAFF FOR 1 930 (2.) The following recommendations of the Director of the S u m m e r Session for appointments to the S u m m e r Session staff for 1930. The position and salary proposed is indicated in each case. I recommend approval of these appointments and request authority to make such adjustments and additional appointments as m a y be necessary. Art and Design Edward J. Lake, Associate Professor J 666.66 $666.66 Bacteriology F. W . Tanner, Professor (Head of Department) $ 833. 33 G. I. Wallace, Instructor 375.00 , Assistant ( H time) 125.00 1333.33 Botany C. F. Hottes, Professor $ 900.00 G. A. Greathouse, Assistant 250.00 G. H . Boewe, Assistant (*4 time) 200.00 1350.00 Chemistry Inorganic: B. S. Hopkins, Professor J 900.00 L. F. Yntema, Assistant Professor 533.33 Rosalie Parr, Associate 416.66 J. C. Bailar, Instructor 416.66 , Assistant i}/z time) 125.00 2391.65 A nalytical: G. L. Clark, Professor 900.00 G. F. Smith, Assistant Professor 583.33 J. H . Reedy, Assistant Professor 583.33 2066.66 Organic: C. S. Marvel, Associate Professor 750.oo1 R. L. Shriner, Assistant Professor 516.66 R. C. Fuson, Assistant Professor 550.00 , Assistant (J-2 time) 125.00 1191.66 Physical: W . H . Rodebush, Professor 900.00 900.00 Physiological: (7108.30) V. du Vigneaud, Associate 433-33 — , Assistant (J/jj time) 125.00 558.33 •Paid by Organic Chemical Manufactures and not included in totals.
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