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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

468 board of trustees [December 12 Less Error on Business Office Records in Charging Entrance Examination Salaries to this account in October and November, 1928 (to be corrected Novem283 32 ber, 1929) Balance shown on Business Office Records $26 665 05 June 30, 1929 T h i s report w a s received for record. OPTICAL SERVICE IN THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (13) A recommendation from the Comptroller and the Dean of the College of Medicine that an arrangement be entered into with a wholesale optical house, on the basis of competitive bids, to furnish optical service to the College of Medicine under the following conditions and requirements: 1. A competent dispensing optician is to be sent daily by the company to a place provided and furnished by the University at a regular time designated by the University. 2. H e will take all measurements, make all mechanical adjustments on frames, etc., and collect all charges from the patients. Should glasses purchased by patients require a change of lens within three months from the time of purchase, due to an error on the part of the University staff, the substitution will be gratis. The number of these cases is not to exceedfiveper cent of the annual total. 3. Prices to be charged shall be specified by contract and shall be based on standard wholesale prices to which the company m a y add a stated uniform fitting charge for each pair of glasses sold. 4. The company shall assume all charity cases, estimated at not over twelve per cent of the total. J. All records shall be kept in a form prescribed by the University and shall be open to inspection by the University. 6. A n itemized statement in a form prescribed by the University is to be furnished monthly. 7. Prices shall be subject to adjustment quarterly if the volume of charity work is more or less than herein stated, such adjustment to be made by conference of both parties. 8. All materials furnished are to be of uniform, standard quality and patients shall have choice of frames as follows: (a) Gold-filled, one-tenth to twelve carat. (b) Shell inner frame. (c) All shell. N o solid gold frames will be provided. Only leading wholesale houses w h o are manufacturers and distributors of standard quality merchandise free from defects will be invited to compete. The contract will be awarded on the basis of lowest price, ability of the company to render the regular service, and diversification of standard optical merchandise which it proposes to supply. I recommend that this plan be adopted and put in force as soon as a detailed plan can be prepared. O n m o t i o n of M r . S i m p s o n , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s concurred in. DELEGATION OF SIGNATURES (14) At the March meeting (Minutes, page 144, March 12, 1929) your Board approved certain regulations concerning the delegation of signatures by deans, directors, and heads of departments. The Comptroller and myself have discussed the matter pretty thoroughly and I recommend that no further action be taken. No action was taken in this matter. FURNITURE FOR U. S. CENSUS OFFICE (15)NAo letter from spared to furnish an matter. furniture actionbe a s taken o n this office for the local representative of the U. S. Census Organization. Supervising Architect proposing to lend such of our surplus as can w the
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