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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

466 board of trustees [December 12 REPORT OF T H E UNIVERSITY C O M M I T T E E O N A C C O U N T A N C Y 1928-29 (July 1 1928—June 30, 1929) , Dr. David Kinley, President Dear M r . President: The University Committee on Accountancy respectfully submits herewith a report of its work for the year ended June 30, 1929. Personnel The membership of the University Committee has been as follows: Professor M . H. Robinson, Chairman; Professor W . E. Britton; Registrar G. P. Tuttle, Secretary, ex-officio. Mr. D. A. Grossman, Examiner in the Registrar's Office, has served again as Clerk of the Committee. The University Committee recommended the appointment of Mr. Eric L. Kohler of Chicago to the Board of Examiners to succeed Mr. Arthur Anderson whose term expired June 30, 1928. You presented his name to the Board of Trustees, the Board approved the appointment and Mr. Kohler accepted it. The organization of the Board has been as follows: Mr. Harold Bennington, C.P.A., Chairman Mr. Eric L. Kohler, C.P.A., Secretary Mr. Herbert Pope, LL.B. Examinations T w o examinations have been held during the year, one on November 22 and 23, 1928, and one on M a y 9 and 10, 1929. The statistics for these examinations are as follows: November, 1928, Examination Number of candidates 209 Number that passed in all subjects 8 Number that passed in one or two subjects on reexamination under Rule 33 24 Total number who received certificates 32 May, 1929, Examination Number of candidates 278 Number that passed in all subjects 16 Number that passed in one or two subjects on reexamination under Rule 23 IO Total number who received certificates 26 Total number of certificates issued during the year 58 Below are listed the names of persons awarded the C. P. A. certificates during the year: November, 1928 Cert. Cert. Name No. Name No. Ogden Ashley 809 H. Everett Olson 831 Gilbert Butler Brown 810 Howard F. Pratt 832 James Darrell Coon 811 George William Price 833 Sam Davis 812 Ambrose Mathias Reiter 834 Albert Russell Griffith 813 Albert Lee Roderick 835 Clyde Casper Hale 814 Everett Edgar Roll 836 Edward Joseph Hoffman 815 Stanley Reynold Sandbert 837 John Fredrick Hueni 816 De Forest Ward Seymour 838 Byrne A. Jackson 817 Benjamin Bernard Silver 839 Frank Edward Kohler, Jr 818 Walter Mason Smith 840 William M. Layman 819 Sol Stangle 821 Hyman Eugene Leichenger 820 Arthur Robert Stone 822 A. Robert Nelson CharlesJ. Norman Ralph Arthur Martin Edward Robert Miller 829 Curtis LeonardWard 827 John Rowland Trugman 830 Charles N. Wilson 828 Harry Holgate Willey 825 823 824 826
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