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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

460 board of trustees [December 12 with Hale Anderson, and knows him to be vice-president of the said Company; that the signature of the said Hale Anderson subscribed to the said instrument is in the genuine handwriting of the said Hale Anderson, and was thereto subscribed by order and authority of the said board of directors of the said Company; that the said Company is duly and legally incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, and has complied with and is now complying with the provisions of the Act of Congress of August 13, 1894, allowing certain corporations to be accepted as surety on bonds. The deponent further states that the following is a true copy of an extract from the minutes of a meeting of the board of directors of the said Company held at its offices in the City of New York on the 18th day of April, 1928, a quorum being present, and that the resolutions contained in the said extract were unanimously adopted and are now in full force and effect: " R E S O L V E D , that Robert J. Hillas, the president of the Company, be, and that he hereby is, and that Hale Anderson, a vice-president of the Company, be, and that he hereby is, authorized to execute powers of attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given power of attorney to execute in behalf of The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York bonds, undertakings, and all contracts of suretyship; and that any vice-president, the vice-president and secretary, or any assistant secretary be, and that each of them hereby is authorized to attest the execution of any such power of attorney, and to attach thereto the seal of the Company." " R E S O L V E D , that either Albert Bruns or William P. Harvey, each an assistant secretary of the Company, be and that he hereby is authorized to execute alone powers of attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given power of attorney to execute in behalf of The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York bonds, undertakings, and all contracts of suretyship, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars in amount; and that any vice-president, the vice-president and secretary, or any assistant secretary be, and that each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such power of attorney, and to attach thereto the seal of the Company." Albert Bruns Assistant Secretary Sworn to before me this 1st day of July, 1929 Florence Carroll Commissioner of Deeds City of New York On motion of Mr. Trees, the above bond was approved and Mr. Capron was declared duly qualified as Treasurer of the University. RECEIPT FROM MR. CAPRON Mr. Trees presented a copy of a receipt given by M r . Capron to Mr. Burke setting forth University property of all kinds received by him. O n motion of M r . Trees, this receipt with exhibits A and B attached was received to be filed. INFORMATION ON SURETY COMPANIES O n motion of M r . Trees, the Comptroller was directed to furnish to the Finance Committee, semi-annually, for report to the Board, information concerning all companies which furnish surety bonds to the University. PREMIUM ON TREASURER'S BOND O n motion of M r . Barr, it was voted that the premium on the Treasurer's bond for the ensuing year be paid by the University. O n recommendation of President Kinley and on motion of Dr. Noble, an appropriation of $5000 was made from the Reserve and Contingent fund to pay this premium for the ensuing year from the date of the approval and acceptance of the bond. The vote was as
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