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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

434 board of trustees [November 15 SALE OF KEY SYSTEM TRANSIT COMPANY BONOS (18) A report from the Acting Comptroller that in accordance with the action of the Board on September 18 (Minutes, page 358) the Treasurer of the University has disposed of the bonds of the Key System Transit Company, par value $5,000, at a price of $16, making a gross return of $800 from which is to be deducted $12.50 for commission and $34.37 for attorneys' fees, the latter payable to Cushing & Cushing of San Francisco for services rendered by them in connection with this matter. The net return, amounting to $753.13, has been credited to the Russell Loan Fund. T h i s report w a s received for record. CANCELLATION OF DENTAL BUILDING BONDS (19) A report from the Acting Comptroller that, in accordance with the action of the Board of Trustees on October 10, 1929, $1500 of first mortgage bonds of the College of Dentistry Building, purchased from University funds, have been cancelled as of December 31, 1929, the next interest date. T h i s report w a s received for record. SUIT AGAINST THE UNIVERSITY BY BERTHA KAPLAN (20) Miss Bertha Kaplan (now Mrs. Morris Spector) was appointed last January for eight months at a salary of $183.33 a month as Instructor of Internal Medicine in the Department of Medicine. It appears that she absented herself during July and August, having informed Doctor Williamson that she was resigning, effective July 1. O n the basis of that report her salary was stopped at the end of June. She is now suing for her salary for July and August. Her case is pending. This report was received for record. LOSS OF GOLD CRUCIBLE BY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY (21) A report from the Acting Comptroller of the disappearance from the Department of Chemistry of a gold crucible, valued at $48.66, some time between October 16 and 22. This crucible was lost while in the custody of M r . Edward M c M a h o n , an assistant in the Department, to w h o m it had been issued for use in his research work by Associate Professor C. S. Marvel, under w h o m M r . M c M a h o n works. T h i s report w a s received for record. PAYMENT OF DEATH BENEFIT IN THE CASE OF PROFESSOR C. S. CRANDALL (22) A report from the Acting Comptroller that he has paid the death benefit, amounting to $1,102.50, due in the case of Professor C. S. Crandall, to M r . H. S Capron, of Champaign, Executor of Professor Crandall's estate. T h i s report w a s received for record. TRANSFER OF PATENT RIGHTS IN PHOSPHORUS TEST (23) A report from the Secretary of the Board that he has received from Brown, Jackson, Boettcher, & Dienner, patent attorneys, the assignment of M r . Roger H . Bray transferring to the University the whole right, title, and interest in and to the invention disclosed in his application for U. S. Letters Patent Serial No. 386,387, filed August 16, 1929, covering an improvement in Chemical Test, Case 1, (Test for Available Phosphorus in Soils). T h i s report w a s received for record. SALE OF SOLUTION FOR TESTING SOILS FOR PHOSPHORUS (24) On September 18, 1929 (Minutes, page 363), the Board authorized the Urbana Laboratories to manufacture and sell under certain specified conditions, a solution for testing soils for phosphorus, without the payment of royalties, until November i, 1929, at the end of which period the question of the payment of royalty should be reviewed. This is the solution for the patent of which M r . Bray has an application pending. The Urbana Laboratories requests permission to continue the manufacture and sale of this solution after November 1, 1929. As the Executive Agent of the Board I authorized the company to continue this manufacture and sale until further notice,
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