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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 38I inal departmental records. Cash received as recorded has been duly deposited with the University Treasurer. The Disbursement Warrants drawn upon the University Treasurer and the warrants certified to the State Auditor have been checked into the cash book, and a substantial portion of the supporting vouchers has been examined with respect to authorization, object of expenditure, and receipt of goods or services by the University. The footings of the cash book have been proved. The Cash Balance in the hands of the University Treasurer as at June jo, 1919, together with the Securities in his custody, as shown by the books of account, have been verified by actual inspection and confirmation from depositories. The Income for the quarter under audit has been verified by extensive detail checking and by comparison with independent records; these tests have been extended to cover the larger items of income for the entire year ending June 30, 1929, thus supplementing our previous audits. The accounts of the Chicago Departments and of the Stadium Fund have been audited along the lines indicated above and have been found correct. The records of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of April 10, M a y 17 and June 11, 1929, have been examined and all actions affecting thefinancesof the University, in so far as they had been consummated up to the time of our audit, have been checked into the books of account. W e hereby certify, that so far as we have been able to ascertain by an extended detail examination, All Income which the University should have received during the quarter ending June 30, 1929, has been received and duly accounted for. All Disbursements have been made for University purposes and have been properly authorized, and the expenditures have been correctly recorded in the books of account. The Cash and Securities as shown by the books as at June 3c, 1929, are correct in amount and have been verified by actual inspection, count or direct confirmation from the depositories. The Report of the Comptroller to the Board of Trustees for the quarter ending June 30, 1929, copy of which is attached hereto, is in accordance with the books and, in our opinion, is correct. The Financial Report of the Comptroller to the Governor of the State of Illinois, for the period beginning July 1, 1927, and ending June 30, 1929, is in accordance with the books and, in our opinion, is correct. Yours faithfully, Arthur Young & Co. These reports were received for record. FINANCIAL REPORT OF MCKINLEY HOSPITAL (46) The following Financial Report from the Comptroller on the operations of the McKinley Hospital for the year ending June 30, 1929: July 19, 1929 President David Kinlcy, 355 Administration Building Dear President Kinley: I send you for your files copy of a financial report of McKinley Hospital for the year ending June 30, 1929. A preliminary report was sent you some time ago giving an estimate of the conditions at the end of the year. The actual deficit for the year $4672.56 as compared with $6046.67 for the preceding year. In addition, purchases of equipment aggregating $5940.45 were made during the year. Funds to meet the deficit as well as for the purchase of this equipment were supplied from the Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller This consideration a n d to the special committee on the Hospital for report was referred report.
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