Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE O F LIBERAL A R T S A N D SCIENCES 35 Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences James William Jacobson, II Marian Elizabeth Baker Carroll Spencer Langston Fritz Braun Frank Raymond Schunk Audra Earl Cockrum Dominick Joseph Verda Vincent Joseph Dornaus Elbert Harold Whiteside Edwin Henry Drake Albyn Garrett Wolfe Seymour Fisher Degree of Bachelor of Science In Liberal Arts and Sciences Glenn Merle McGuckin In Chemistry Walter Nivling Day COLLEGE OF C O M M E R C E A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Banking and Finance Edmond Anderson Maclin In Commerce and Law Leonard Francis Murphy Harry Charles Partlow In General Business Harold Clayton Loring Alfred Frederick Aldous Carl Armington Miltimore Leland Warren Bergstrom Thomas Frank O'Connell, Jr. Otis LeRoy Buswell Garreta Schriber Theophil Henry Fredrick Hoefer Edwin Burton Thayer Louise Blum Holmes Clyde Augustin Webber Imo Irene Horning Veairnell White Katherine May Houtz In Public Utilities Charles John Janecek Harold Fletcher Layman COLLEGE O F EDUCATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Education Robert Charles Antonides Charles Dallman Lucid Marge Carroll Ida Helen Quatman Raymond Calvin Ford Ruth Sara Rayburn Elizabeth May Holbrook, Kathryn Margaret Shoemaker with High Honors in Botany Dwight York, with High Honors Marie Harriet Johnston i Mathematics n H Arpin Koehler COLLEGE OF L A W Degree of Bachelor of Laws Walter Ralph Brennan Reinhold Neal Degree of Bachelor of Science Ingelson In Law George Allen Perman