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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] Schedule D UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS WOMAN'S RESIDENCE HALLS COST STATISTICS JUNE is, 1928, TO AUGUST «s, 1 2 98 Woman's West Dining Residence Residence Room Hall House Hall House Operation Operation $57 74 ^16 15 33 Total Income )573 99 Expense Food 3040 3040 Light, Heat, Power, and Water 187 1 09 2 96 Salaries and Wages 835 11 43 19 78 Laundry 166 13; 301 Gas 67 67 Repairs 34 45 79 Office Expense 1 00 114 214 Operating Supplies 46 67 1 13 Total Expense #44 75 $1613 tbo 88 Operating Profit $11 99 * 12 S13 li Operating Profit, Same Period 1027 Jft7 16 $ 96* $ 6 19* $14 07 Number Paying for Service 125 125 125 *Deficit—Deduct. This report was received for record. PERMITS FOR AUTOMOBILES O n motion of Mr. Trees, the President of the University was requested to make a report on the permits issued to students to operate automobiles. DATE OF OCTOBER MEETING O n motion of Mr. Trees, i was voted to hold the October meeting t at 9:30 a. m. on Saturday, October 13, in Chicago. DEGREES GRANTED IN AUGUST, 1928 The Secretary presented for record the following report of degrees conferred at the end of the Summer Session of 1928. GRADUATE SCHOOL Degree of Master of Arts In Classics Helen Leone Bergstrom, A.B., I l n i Woman's College, 1926 lios Charles Clare Hower, A.B., North Central College, 1927 Sister Mary Donald McNeil, B.V.M., A.B., Mt. St. Joseph College, 1920 In Economics James Ellwood Amos, A.B., Colorado College, 1923 Stephen Joseph Navin, B.S., Cornell University, 1923 In Education Sidney Alexander Denison, B.Ed., I l n i State Normal University, 1922 lios Abbott Philip Herman, C.E., Cornell University, 1920 Cora Zenobia Lipe, B.S., Carthage College, 1911 Clarence Orr, A.B., 1914 Jerome Ephraim Robbins, A.B., Eureka College, 1925 Lewis Cleon Robey, A.B., Wabash College, 1903 Harry Ernest Slusser, A.B., University of Indiana, 1925 Sister Mary Evamsta Sweeney, B.V.M., Ph.B., Loyola University, 1924 In English Rachel Akers Palmer, A.B., Western College for Women, 1921 Stephen John Radtke, A.B., 1922 Alexander Marion Saunders, B.S., M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Dorothy Irene West, B.S., 1926 1922, 1925
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