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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 333 Salary J 4 000 2 200 $ 6 200 Histology 1. I. Schour, Assistant Professor (1 yr.) 2. Frances Schwab, Instructor (1 yr.) Total, Histology Infirmary 1. V. T. Nylander, Director of Infirmary (1 yr.), Associate Professor (Indef.; ^ time) (Salary under Operative Dentistry) 2. J. R. Blayney, Associate Director (1 yr.), Associate Professor (Indef.) (Salary under Materia Medica) 3. Alida Y. Shultheis, Clerk (C. S.) $ 1 3°° 4. Anna Toomey, Clerk (C. S.) 1 800 5. M a u d Gubbins, Filing Clerk (C. S.) 1 500 6. G. Swanson, Technician (1 yr.) 2 700 7. Carolyn Peterson, Nurse (C. S.) 1 800 $ n2 600 8. P. Total, Infirmary G. Lilja, Examiner; Associate {yi time; 1 yr.) 500 Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1. J. R. Blayney, Associate Professor (Indef.), Associate Director of Infirmary (1 yr.) $ 6 000 2. E. C. Wach, Associate {yi time; 1 yr.) 1 500 3. Anita Ellingson, Instructor (1 yr.) 2 200 4. R. G. Kesel, Associate (1 yr.) 3 000 Total, Materia Medica and Therapeutics J 12 700 Operative Dentistry 1. D. M . Gallie, Professor (Indef.) (four hours each week) $ 2. V. T. Nylander, Associate Professor (Indef.); Director of Infirmary (1 yr.) { H time) 3. E. J. Krejci, Associate {yi time; 1 yr.) 4. T. W . Humble, Associate (yi time; 1 yr.) 5. W . M . M a n n , Instructor (yi time; 1 yr.) 6. R. K. Baxter, Instructor (15 hours each week; 1 yr.) 7. Total, Operative Instructor (yi time; 1 yr.) , Dentistry $ Oral Surgery 1. F. B. Moorehead, Professor (yi time; Indef.) ? 2. L. Schultz, Professor (4 hours each week; Indef.) 3. R. L. Ladd, Assistant Professor ($4 time; 1 yr.) 4. Anna Rieke, Instructor (1 yr.) 5. , Instructor (1 yr.; 11 hours each week) 6. E. Olech, Associate (1 yr.; 11 hours each week) 7. Nellie M . Frain, Artist (yi time; 1 yr.) (Salary under Medical and Dental Illustration) Total, Oral Surgery $ 8. Marie Westgate, Technician (1 yr.) Orthodontia 1. F. B. Noyes, Director of Children's Clinic (1 yr.), Professor of Orthodontia (Indef.) (yi time) (Salary under Administration) 2. A. G. Brodie, Professor (^3 time; 1 yr.) $ 3. B. O. Sippy, Associate Professor (Vu, time; Indef.) 4. M a r y Newell, Instructor (1 yr.; 3 hours each week) 5. Bess Helen Faust, Assistant (1 yr.) $ Total, Orthodontia 1 200 4 500 2 400 1 500 1 000 1 400 100 131100 5 1 3 2 000 200 000 400 900 1 100 15 700 1 300 4 500 2 250 480 1 500 8 730
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