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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

306 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 17 Salary 28. R. D. Snow, Special Research Assistant in Chemical Engineering (until further notice) (Paid from funds for investigation of Partial Oxidation J 29. H. F. Johnstone, Special Research Associate in Chemical Engineering (until further notice) (Paid from funds for the cooperative investigation of Corrosion by Flue Gases 30. E. A. Hertzell, Special Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (until further notice) (Paid from funds for cooperative investigation of the Effects of Products of Combustion on Quality of Enamel Baked in Gas Furnace 31. V. P. Jensen, Special Research Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (until further notice) (Paid from funds for cooperative investigation of Concrete M a d e with Light Aggregate 32. A. J. Monack, Special Research Assistant in Ceramic Engineering (until further notice) (Paid from funds for cooperative investigation of Ageing of Porcelain 33. , Special Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (until further notice) (Paid from funds for cooperative investigation of Combustion Tests of Illinois Coals 34. W . T. Pope, Mechanician for research work in Civil Engineering (C. S.) 35. G. H. Powers, Assistant Mechanician for research work in Electrical Engineering (C. S.) 36. E. F. Heater, Draftsman (C. S.) 37. Wilhelmina Luther, Editorial Assistant (C. S.) 38. Harriet Postlewait, Clerk and Stenographer (C. S.) 39. Dorsie R. Baize, Stenographer (C. S.) (Chemistry, L. A. S (Total salary 40. Walter Kletting, Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 41. W . A. Laning, Jr., Research Graduate Assistant in Electrical Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 42. K . C. Tippy, Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (2 yrs. of io mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 43. Alfred Hedefine, Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 44. R. E. Lewis, Research Graduate Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 45. F. P. Thomas, Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 46. M . F. Lindeman, Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1928) 47. N . H. Barnard, Research Graduate Assistant in Railway Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1928) 48. H. J. Stoever, Research Graduate Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1928) 49. — , Research Graduate Assistant in Gas Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 50. R. M . Lawrence, Research Graduate Assistant in Gas Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1929) 51. Joseph Marin, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering (2 yrs. of 10 mos. each from Sept. 1, 1928) 52. James Mather, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Civil En1Funds .supplied Special Research Graduatenot included included total.1928) 53. 'Funds supplied Mechanics Bridge andeach mos. included Theoretical and N H. Roy, by(2Utilities Research ofIron from each from in in total. Applied by Illinois10 yrs. Com.; Works; not in 1928) 1, gineeringby Chicago (2 mos. 10 not Sept. in total. yrs. of Gas Assn.; Assistant 1, Sept. 3 800) 3 500) 2 700) 1 800) 2 400) 1 800) 2 000 1 400 2 300 1 700 1 500 340 680) 1 020) 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 (600)1 (600)l (600)2 (600)3 (6oo)!
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