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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
28 board of trustees [September 20 ornmend that this be referred, for examination and report as promptly as possible, to a special committee of the Board. On motion of Dr. Noble, this matter was referred to a special committee consisting of the President of the Board, Mr. Trees, and Mr. Barr. FINANCIAL REPORT OF MCKINLEY HOSPITAL (40) The Comptroller submits the following financial report of the McKinley Hospital, for the year 1927-28: July 12, 1928 President David Kinley, j'.jy Administration Building Dear President Kinley: I send you herewith, in final form, the financial report of the McKinley Hospital for the year 1917-28. O n June 18, I sent you a preliminary report for this period. The figures as given in the enclosed report differ only slightly from those of the preliminary report. For future reference, the report n o w submitted should replace the one formerly sent you. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey, Comptroller Schedule A McKINLEY HOSPITAL B A L A N C E SHEET JUNE 30, 1927, A N D JUNE }a, 1928 ASSETS Current Assets June 30, 1927 June jo, 192,? Cash * 682975 * 8 873 36 Accounts Receivable—Individuals Prior to Sept. 1 $404 04 $434 oj Sept. 1 to Nov. 30 70 60 8635 Dec. 1 to Feb. 29 r r7 05 215 25 Mar. 1 to April 30 12670 3625s May 1 to June 30 274 40 259 65 Sub-total (99279) (135785) Hospital Association 39 50 Total 99279 1397 35 Less: Reserve for Doubtful Accounts 300 00 69279 30000 109735 Inventories: Food S4 23 3+8+5 Supplies 192 56 81 00 Medical Supplies 178 06 +2+ 85 37115 800 60 Fixed Assets Building 230 639 +o 230 639 40 'Unexpended balances of donations from Hospital Association (see Schedule B). Equipment 40 824 91 27146+31 4154841 272 187 81 Total Assets #279 411 70 #28295912 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Accounts Payable #209 89 J 103 95 5 Reserve for July-September Salaries 737 50 87+ 16 Reserve for Purchase of X-ray Machine 2 000 00 Reserve for Purchase of New Equipment 2 000 00 3 263 5 5l Reserve for Future Operations 5 000 00 + 529 651 Surplus Invested in Fixed Assets 271 464 31 272 187 81 Total Liabilities and Surplus £279 411 70 £282 959 12
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