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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY PRESS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 279 Salary 1. H. E. Cunningham, Director of the University Press and Information Office, Secretary of the Board of Trustees (1 yr.) J 4 000 (Board of Trustees 1 000) (Total salary 5 000) 2. C. W . Reagan, Superintendent of Print Shop (C. S.) (From Print Shop 4 000) Total, University Press $ 61 500 700 3. Jean Drayer, Editorial Assistant (C. S.) 4. , Stenographer (C. S.) 1 200 INFORMATION OFFICE 1. H. E. Cunningham, Director (1 yr.)—(Salary under University Press and Board of Trustees) $ 2. Anna L. Neuber, Assistant Director (C. S.) 2 500 PUBLICITY AND RADIO 1. J. F. Wright, Director of Publicity and Director of Radio Station, Assistant Professor of Journalism (1 yr.) $ 5 750 2. , Assistant to the Publicity Director (^ time; 1 yr.) 1 500 (Journalism joo) Total, Publicity and Radio $ 7 250 (Total salary 2 000) MILITARY BANDS 1. A. A. Harding, Director and Professor of Music (Indef.) J 4 000 (School of Music 2 000) (Total salary 6 000) 2. R. F. Dvorak, Assistant to Director {yi time; 10 mos.) 1 400 (School of Music 1 400) (Total salary 2 800) 3. N. A. Kjos, Assistant {% time; 10 mos.) 4Jo (School of Music, y$ time 600) Total, Military Bands $ 7 350 (Total salary 1 050) UNIVERSITY SENATE Secretary (C. S.) 4. Velma I. Roberts (Mrs.), 1 500 COMMITTEE O N STUDENTS' ENGLISH 1. H. D. Widger, Secretary (% time; 10 mos.) J 1 000 (English 1 500) (Total salary 2 500) ALUMNI RECORDS i. C.J. Roseberry, Alumni Recorder (C. S.) J 3 000 (Paid by Athletic Association 3 000) (Paid by Alumni Association 1 000) (Total salary 7 000) 2. Gleyn Goodwine, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 2 500 3. Margaret Burton, Editorial Assistant and Stenographer (C. S.).... 1 620 4. Irene V. Hosier, Stenographer and Bookkeeper (C. S.) 1 320 Total, Alumni Records $ 9 700 (Paid by Alumni Association 120) (Total salary 1 44°) 5. Christine F. Aden, Clerk and Typist (C. S.) 1 260
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