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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 239 Degree of Electrical Engineer Max Albert Faucett, B.S., M.S., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1921, 1924, M.S., 1928 Kenneth William Miller, B.S., 1919 Degree of Mechanical Engineer Isaac Harry Darby, Jr., B.S., 1917 Carleton Drury Northam, B.S., 1923 John William Romig, B.S., 1924 Crandall Zachariah Rosecsans, B.S., M.S., 1919, 1921 Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Agronomy William Reynolds Paden, B.S., University of Missouri, 1925, M.S., 1926 Collins Veatch, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1926, M.S., Iowa State College, 1926 In Animal Husbandry Frank Alfred Gougler, B.S., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1909, M.S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1915 In Botany Mathilde Hannah Krenz, A.B., A.M., 1924, 1926 Walter Herman Michaels, B.S., M.S., South Dakota State College, 1923, 1925 In Chemistry Dale Friend Babcock, B.S., Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg, 1924 Clarence Peter Berg, A.B., Augustana College, 1924, A.M., 1925 Euclid Wilfred Bousquet, A.B., A.M., 1925, 1926 Michael Joseph Copley, B.S., Catholic University of America, 1922 Stanley Griffith Ford, B.S., Oregon State Agricultural College, 1926, M.S., 1927 Defoe Childress Ginnings, B.S., M.S., 1926, 1927 Edwin Robert Littmann, B.S., M.S., 1922, 1923 William Hiram Lycan, B.S., M.S., 1924, 1926 Ruth Reder St. Julian, A.B., Oberlin College, 1920, A.M., 1927 Wendell Meredith Stanley, B.S., Earlham College, 1926, M.S., 1927 Herman Louis Tschentke, B.S., M.S., 1920, 1925 Gail Robert Yohe, A.B., Cornell College, 1925, M.S., 1927 In Classics Marian Harman, A.B., Franklin College, 1923, A.M., 1924 In Dairy Husbandry Arthur Chester Dahlberg, B.S., M.S., University of Minnesota, 1915, 1916 Frank Paul Sanmann, B.S., M.S., 1921, 1923 In Economics Corliss Doran Anderson, B.S., M.S., 1926, 1927 In History Russell Howard Anderson, B.S., A.M., 1923, 1925 Charles Burnet Judah, Jr., A.B., A.M., 1925, 1926 Glen Huron Seymour, A.B., A.M., 1924, 1925 Max LeRoy Shipley, A.B., I l n i College, 1923, A.M., 1927 lios In Horticulture Victor Wendell Kelley, B.S., M.S., 1921, 1923 In Mathematics George Allen Baker, B.S., 1926 Hugh Raymond Beveridge, B.S., Monmouth College, 1923, A.M., 1927
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