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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

212 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 17 Schedule F CARTER-PENNELL FARMS NORTH FARM—PARTNERSHIP REVOLVING ACCOUNT 1928 CROP YEAR Income Sale of Hogs $506 04 Sale of Milk, Butterfat, Veal 602 19 Sale of Poultry and Eggs 22731 Sale of Grain and Feed Hay , $21 91 Oats 55 81 77 72 Estimated Value of Unsold Stock and Crops (Sen. B). 2 400 00 Total Income $3 813 26 Expense Inventory of 1927 Stock and Feed on Hand March 1, 1928 (See February 29, 1928 Report) 1 062 00 Stock Purchased 650 65 Feed Purchased , 450 16 Seed Purchased 24 65 Breeding Fees 20 00 Hatching Fees 10 78 Medicine and Professional Services 16 95 Threshing 39 32 Miscellaneous 2 35 Total Expense jSa 276 86 Net Profit (to Operating Account, Sch. E) $1 536 40 APPENDIX CARTER-PENNELL FARMS FINANCIAL RESULTS T O B O T H UNIVERSITY A N D O P E R A T O R S Y E A R E N D I N G F E B R U A R Y 28, 1929 A brief financial statement of the total earnings on the Carter-Pennell Farms for the year ending February 28, 1929, including both the income to the men operating the farms and that of the University of Illinois, may be represented briefly as follows: North Farm Total OperUniverFarm ator's sity Record Share Share Total Investments including land, buildings, livestock, and equipment. $32 900 81 £3 802 00 £29 098 81 Income $ 3 303 61 $1 767 21 $ 1 536 40 Expense 70* 25 418 50 282 75 Income less Expense 2 602 36 1 348 7r 1 253 65 Value of Operator's Labor 720 00 720 00 _^ _ Net Profit $ 1 882 36 $ 628~~7i ~$ 1 253 65 South Farm Total Investments including land, buildings, livestock, and equipment $21 950 00 £1 850 00 $20 100 00 Income. $ 2 813 73 £1 500 00 $ 1 313 73 On as Profit sell these none;ofMarcus Mrs.Trees,ofKey Busey, this reportthe 00 was TRANSIT Mr. Transit Mr. Emmerson,madeNoble, directed to SYSTEM BONDSSystem bonds 17 On Net Less of Labor Fisher, Mrs. Grigsby, 56 Mr.Mr. part $ 265 were of motionExpense Mr.Noble, bondsTreasurer($5,000),Barr, ofr 048 $6 The tionofEvans, Mrs.theBlair,theFund.$ was best the Comptroller 17 principal Mr.theabsent,Dr.Aye, Loan Committee,approved.report Mrs. 56 condiKEYmotiontheforRussellPresident Armstrong, price 00 Mr.on1 048 Busey, vote Value Operator's Expense follows: Income Finance at 2 678 and $ 413 00 1 415 Dr. a 087 obtainable. no, 135 720 Simpson. Trees; 1 367 720 the
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