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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 209 Schedule A CARTER-PENNELL FARMS BALANCE SHEET AS AT FEBRUARY 28, 1 1 99 Assets Operating Cash * 641 54 Accounts Receivable 1 378 50 Stock and Unsold Crops 2 400 00 Deferred Charges to Future Operations 241 17 #4 661 21 Capital Estimated Present Value of Original Gift North Farm $24 149 57 South Farm 18 058 47 42 208 04 Improvements by University (Sch. C) North Farm 2 408 07 South Farm _I_941 S3 4 349 6° 46 557 64 Total Assets "" Liabilities Reserves and Surplus STATE Reserve for Replacing Fencing M E N T OF OPERATING SURPLUS TO F E B R U A R Y 28. 1929 along New Highway $ 71 10 Net Income from and 1927(See Sch. D) $\° 927 44 Reserve for 1926 Farms Taxes Less: (being contested) 1 271 80 Transferred to Student Loan Fund ?i 25000 Surplus Expended and Reserved for Taxes Donated (arising from Gift)... $42 208 04 Expended for 1925 Taxes and Operating (arising from Profits, Expenses $ 737 73 see below) 7 667 91 49 B75 95 Reserved Reserves and Surplus Total for 1926 and 1927 Taxes l 271 80 2 009 53 3 359 53 Balance February 28, 1020 (.above) ?7 667 91 Consisting of: Liquid Assets 3 318 31 Fixed Assets 4 349 6° #7 667 91 ?5i2i8 8s None tit 218 85
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