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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Schedule R 205 BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH 31, 1 2 99 ASSETS I. General and Building Funds Cash in Hands of University Treasurer (Sch. C ) $1 217 618 31 Petty Cash Funds 30 600 oc Balance in State Appropriations (Sch. C ) For Operation $905 248 48 For Buildings 642 784 57 For Special Purposes 3 384 84 1 551 417 80 Stores (Sch. N ) Inventories of Stock 105 404 20 Jobs in Process 50 052 39 Revolving Accounts 4 739 92* 150 716 67 Loan to McKinley Hospital (Trust Fund).... 14 450 00 Accounts Receivable 27 077 72 Estimated Income from: Smith-Lever. Hatch-Adams, Purnell, and Capper-Ketcham U. S. Appropriations. . 39 999 90 . State Board of Vocational Education (SmithHughes) 16 000 00 Fees S3 5°S 91 Agricultural Sales 23 465 12 Creamery Surplus 14 3 10 00 Trust Endowments 7 000 00 Miscellaneous 18 557 34 172 838 27 f 3 164 718 86 , II. Trust Funds Cash in hands of University Treasurer (Sch. C) 168 681 84 Notes Receivable 164 959 12 Investments Savings Account . I 000 00 Stock and Bonds 243 124 60 Land 46 550 00 290 674 60 624 315 56 III. Endowment Fund Endowment Fund (in hands of State Auditor) from Land Grant of 1862 649 012 91 4 6 83 2 4 6 9 IV. Plant and Property Plant and Property (July I, 1928) 22 226 540 48 5 4 0 O SS26 664 587 81 2 0 O Total Assets 2 1 4 I 04 2 7 4 8 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS I. General and Building Funds Appropriation Balances (Sch. D ) Encumbered $ 615 463 58 Unencumbered 2 100 917 58 $ 2 716 381 16 Reserve for Agricultural Extension Petty Cash Funds I 200 00 Reserve for Stores 122 360 64 Reserve for Loan to Trust Fund 14 45o 00 Residence Hall and Hospital Balances (Sch. O ) 18808836 Unappropriated Agricultural Income 9 070 87 Unappropriated Income (Reserve and Contingent Fund) (Sch. A ) 113 167 83 $ 3 164 718 86 II. Trust Funds Balances Due General Funds for Repayment of Loan . 14 450 00 •Deduct—CreditFund from(Sch.(Sch. P) III. CapitalTotal LiabilitiesFixedSurplus IV. EndowmentLoans Balance Q ) Funds SurplusProperty Bonds Assets Non-Expendableand Surplus Dental Invested Funds ExpendableBalance. and Lew: Liabilities in General Funds 461 450 00 22 174 140 48 _2 2_22§_540__48 14 313 29 446 863 29 $26 649 012 91 163 002 27 624 315 56 664 587 81
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