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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

196 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 17 H e recommends that the contract be awarded to G. C. Willis of Champaign, the lowest bidder, on the basis of their combined bid of S870, divided as follows: $379 for the Third Unit of the Library J491 for the Addition to Lincoln Hall. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r . Fisher, this contract w a s a w a r d e d to the lowest bidder, as r e c o m m e n d e d . CONTRACT FOR TABLES FOR NEW LIBRARY UNIT (45) The Supervising Architect reports that the Purchasing Agent has secured the following bids on ten 4' x 8', ten 4' x 10', and eleven 4' x 13' oak tables to be used in the Commerce Reading Room and the north Bibliography Room, both in the N e w Library: Walrus Manufacturing Company, Decatur $2 279 32 Newton & Hoit Company, Chicago 2 344 50 Muetchler Bros., Nappanee, Indiana 2 532 00 Remington-Rand Company (Library Bureau), Chicago 3 218 60 Chittenden & Eastman Co., Burlington, la 3 579 50 Henry L. Guth Associates, Allentown, Pa 3 605 00 Bailey & Himes, Champaign, Illinois 5 231 00 He recommends that the contract for these thirty-one tables be awarded to the lowest bidder, the Walrus Manufacturing Company of Decatur, at their bid of $2,279.32, payable from the State appropriation for the building. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r . Barr, this contract w a s a w a r d e d to the lowest bidder as r e c o m m e n d e d . CONTRACT WITH WESTERN FUEL COMPANY FOR COAL FOR THE CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS (46) The Comptroller submits the following bids secured by the Purchasing Agent on coal, approximately 1,500 tons (Pocahontas Mine Run), for the Chicago Departments for the year beginning M a y 1, 1929: Western Fuel Company (to Aug. 1, 1929) $6.00 Net ton (Aug. 1 to M a y 1, 1930) 6.35 E. L. Hedstrom Coal Company 6.40 Consumers Company 6. 50 Crerar Clinch Coal Company 6.65 Eastman Coal Company 6.70 Bunge Bros. Coal Company 6-75 They recommend, and the Supervising Architect concurs, that the contract be awarded to the Western Fuel Company of Chicago, the lowest bidder. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this contract w a s a w a r d e d to the lowest bidder as r e c o m m e n d e d . OFFER OF FUNDS FROM THE TRUSTEE OF THE MUTUAL BENEFIT HOSPITAL FUND FOR THE MCKINLEY HOSPITAL OPERATING FUND (47) At the suggestion of the Comptroller, the Trustee of the Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, Dean Thomas Arkle Clark, offers Ji ,500 from that fund for the expenses of the McKinley Hospital. This procedure is in accordance with the regulations of the Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund and I recommend that the offer be accepted. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this gift was accepted. COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION OF CONCRETE (48) The Dean of the College of Engineering requests approval of an agreement with the W'estern Brick Company of Danville for a cooperative investigation of concrete made with light aggregate, by the Engineering Experiment Station. The agreement tion. Company drawn for pay the University $5,000 to cover the expenses of the investigahas been agrees to a period of one year from June 1, 1929, and the Western Brick
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