Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
194 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 17 He recommends at this time only the award of the contract on the third unit of the new Library, and that i be awarded to Hughes-Krabbe of Champaign, the lowest t bidders, at their bid of $886. I concur in this recommendation. The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder as recommended. CONTRACT FOR SCREENS FOR LIBRARY UNIT AND LI NCOLN HALL ADDITION (43) The Supervising Architect submits the following schedule of bids received on screens for the third unit of the new Library and the addition to Lincoln Hall: BIDS O N S C R E E N S L I B R A R Y A D D I T I O N NO. 3 and L I N C O L N H A L L A D D I T I O N April 29, 1929 Library Lincoln Number of Addition Hall Windows Bidders No. 3 Addition Total Lib. L. H. Remarks Carl J. Werner $1 980 00 $413 00 $2 39,3 00 308 68 2 coats (Cin. Fly Screens) baked enamel Gandy & Earp 2 015 00 440 00 2 455 00 308 68 painted 2 coats (Watson Screens) black paint Gen. Bldrs. Sup. Co... . 2 250 00 450 00 2 700 00 308 68 2 coats black (Higgins Screens) baked enamel C. E. Smith 2 371 26 356 05 2 727 31 308 68 baked enamel (Robbins Screens) McFerran Kane Co.... 2 449 00 488 00 2 937 00 308 68 1 coat baked enamel 1 coat duco Krebs & Co 2 800 00 500 00 3 300 00 308 68 baked enamel He recommends that the contract be awarded to Carl J. Werner of Danville, the lowest bidder, on the basis of his combined bid of $2,393, divided as follows: Third Unit of New Library Ji 980 00 Lincoln Hall Addition 413 00 I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Trees this contract was awarded to the lowest bidder as recommended. CONTRACT FOR SHADES FOR LIBRARY UNIT AND LINCOLN HALL ADDITION (44) The Supervising Architect submits the following schedule of bids received on shades for the third unit of the Library and for the Lincoln Hall Addition: