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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

176 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 17 A close control is exercised over the collection of students' fees. About 97 per cent of all fees are collected on registration days. The fee card originates in the office of the Registrar. Each card consists of a series of detachable coupons, all bearing the student's name, course of study, etc. The amount of each fee isfilledin by the Registrar in accordance with a printed list showing the fee payable for each course. T h e fees charged are checked by the Auditor. O n registration days, coupon 3 is detached and held by the Head Accountant, coupons 8 and 9 are handed to the Cashier. Coupon 9 is the student's receipt. From time to time, as the collection of fees proceeds, paid coupons 8, together with the cash received, are taken up by the Head Accountant; coupons 8 are then totalled and agreed with the total of the corresponding coupons 3. A receipt for the amount turned over is given to the Cashier and the cash is handed to a representative of the depository Bank, w h o issues a deposit ticket. Paid coupons 8 arefiledin the Bursar's office; the corresponding coupons 3 are stamped Paid and sent to the Registrar's office. The Registrar n o w issues class cards for each student and forwards them to the Instructors in charge. N o student is admitted to a class unless the Instructor has a card to that effect. In exceptional cases, students w h o are not prepared to pay their fees are granted a short time allowance. This privilege is extended to them by the Comptroller in person. A deferred fees list, showing students' fees in arrears, is kept in the Bursar's office and collection is followed up closely. Files of paid fee coupons, certified by the Bursar's office, are also maintained in the Chicago Business Office and in the office of the Principal of the University High School. W h e n the collection of each semester's fees has been completed, the Registrar renders a report to the Board of Trustees, showing the totals of all students' fees certified to him. Collection of students' loans and interest thereon is m a d e under the direction of the Bursar. A duplicate receipt is m a d e out, the original for the student, the duplicate for the file of students' loan papers. A cash receipts record is then prepared in duplicate, showing all collections of principal and of interest for the day. One copy is placed in the Bursar'sfiles,the other isfiledwith the general cash receipts voucher. Bond interest coupons are clipped by the Treasurer, w h o has the custody of the securities. H e forwards to the Bursar's office a deposit ticket for the amount, together with a detailed list of the coupons collected. This list is checked by the Bursar against the detailed securities ledger. All cash received, both in Urbana and in Chicago, is deposited intact to the credit of the University Treasurer. All disbursements are m a d e by warrant, drawn either by the State Auditor, upon vouchers certified by the Business Office, or by local warrant drawn upon the Treasurer of the University. Petty expenditures are made from petty cash funds operated on the imprest plan. P a y Rolls.—Prior to the issuance of warrants or certification to the State Auditor, all pay roll vouchers for Appointees and for Employes under the civil service system are checked against the certifications by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and by the State Civil Service Commission, respectively. T h e pay of temporary employes is certified by the Head of the Department. A valuable feature of the system of internal check is the rendering of monthly statements by the Business Office to the Heads of the various Departments. The detailed accounts of department income and of appropriations are typed in triplicate by the use of bookkeeping machines. T h e master sheet constitutes the ledger account; the duplicate, showing the transactions for the month, together with opening and closing balances, is sent to the Head of the Department, the triplicate to the Dean of the respective Colleges. This relieves the Departments of the burden of bookkeeping and furnishes them with current statements of income and expenditure, encumbrances and free balance. While the examination and detail checking of these reports is not obligatory and reportHeads of the Departments concerned, many, be not all of them are detect upon the any material errors committed. vitally interested in the status of their Departments and m a y if depended upon to
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