Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

BALANCE, J A N U A R Y 1. 1919 RECEIPTS, J A N U A R Y 1 TO M A R C H 31, 1920: From State Funds From Federal Funds From United States Treasurer Interest on Endowment, from State Treasurer From Local Sources Students' Fees, Gross Dormitory Store Rooms Agricultural and Miscellaneous Cash Sales Collection of Accounts Receivable Refunds of Expenditures From Trust Funds Gifts Collection of Students- Loans Proceeds of Bond Sales, Net Deposits for Uniforms, etc Interest, Rent, etc Total Receipts Total Debits DISBURSEMENTS, J A N U A R Y 1 TO M A R C H 31, 1029: Appropriations Stores Resident Halls Trust Funds Loans to Students Interest Purchased, Attorneys' Fees, etc BALANCE, M A RtoHGeneral Sundry Designated Purposes AdjustmentsFunds, Disbursements Expendable Total for Fund C 31, 1929 Schedule II C A S H RECEIPTS A N D D I S B U R S E M E N T S FOR T H E Q U A R T E R E N D I N G M A R C H 31, 1020 University Treasurer Slate Funds General Fund Trust Fund S898 019 S3 g'65 939 74 $1 280 720 28 139 812 17 16 22s 33 365 140 57 7i 945 06 13 205 21 56 213 13 71 joj 01 6 384 55 i! 41 094 25 7 497 56 5 5»J »» 5 658 00 " 7"> 7° t 7' 542 47 S237 482 21 Together $' 063 9S9 *7 Total t\ 063 959 27 Si 280 720 28 ji 280 720 28 $1 280 720 28 _ $ 74° 23' 03 $1 638 250 ;6 $ 106 321 38 281 334 49 32 7 " 38 , * 8u 773 50 $1 875 73' 77 $2 092 493 78 $2 '56 453 05 $1 280 720 28 $ 420 632 25 $121761831 265 00 £ 19 240 00 • 54° 40 $16868184 $ 68 800 37 48 263 00 278 91 $1 489 300 6z t 386 432 iS $1 386 300 15 ti 770 152 9°