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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 139 Bronstein, Isadore P., Assistant in Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, beginning January 7, 1929, and continuing until September 1, 1929, without salary. (January 11, 1929) Busby, John A. C , Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the College of Medicine, for seven months beginning February 1, 1929, without salary. (January 21, 1929) Carlock, Margaret L., Assistant in Romance Languages, on one-half time, for five months beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy dollars ($70) a month. (February 4, 1929) Cell, John Wesley, Assistant in Mathematics, on two-thirds time, forfivemonths beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of ninety-three dollarsfiftycents ($93.50) a month. (January 21, 1929) Clark, Francis Matthew, Assistant in Bacteriology, forfivemonths beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundredfiftydollars (Ji5o)amonth (this superseding his previous appointment). (January u , 1929) Fahlstrom, Florence Ann, Nurse in the Department of Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning December 10, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundredfiftydollars ($150) a month. (January 11, 1929) Foran, M . Joseph, Assistant in Business Organization and Operation, in the College of Commerce, on one-half time, forfivemonths beginning February i, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (February 4, 1929) Foster, Laurence Hafner, Assistant in Business Organization and Operation, in the College of Commerce, on one-half time, forfivemonths beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (February 7, 1929) Gaines, I. A., Jr., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-fourth time, for five months beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of thirty dollars ($30) a month. (February 8, 1929) Halpern, Louis Joseph, Instructor in Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, beginning January 23, 1929, and continuing until September 1, 1929, without salary. (February 4, 1929) Hibbs, Ruth E m m a , Teacher in the University High School, in the College of Education, on one-half time, forfivemonths beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy dollars ($70) a month. (January 25, 1929) Hogan, James Denton, Instructor in Architecture, in the College of Engineering, forfivemonths beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200) a month. (February 6, 1929) Judah, Leopold N., Medical Adviser for M e n and Assistant in Hygiene, in the Department of Physical Welfare, for seven months beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundredfiftydollars ($250) a month. (February 5, 1929) Klein, Reuben I., Research Assistant in Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, beginning January 15, 1929, and continuing until July 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy-five dollars ($75) a month. (January IS, Lamb, John, Jr., Associate in Soil Experiment Fields and Extension, in the Department of Agronomy, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, beginning February 1, 1929, and continuing until June 12, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of ninety-five dollars eighty-three cents ($95.83) a month (this superseding his previous appointment). (February 5, 1929) McCormick, Maxine E., Stenographer in the Business Office, for seven months beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred fifteen dollars ($115) a month (this superseding her previous appointment). (February 6, 1929) Madden, Earl E., Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for four months beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate two 1, 1929, fiftydollars ($250) a month. College of Engineering, beginning rate of ary Engineering($50) a Ray, until(February 4, 1929)a cash compensation at the Februthe Morgan, William month. furtherthe (February in Ceramic Engineering, in offiftydollars Experiment Special Research Assistant6, 1929) hundredand continuing Station, in notice, at
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