UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 683]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mark, R-, degree, 630 Markland, I. M-, appointments, 316, 498 Markland, N., appointment. 347 Marks, J. L., degree, 266 Maria ire, S, J,, degree, 614 Maroney, F. W„, appointments, 203, 524 Marple, R. P., degree, 106 Marquardt. P., appointment, 339 Marr, H. E., degree, 260 Marrs-Tanner Electric Co., contracts awarded, 180, 640, 641 withdrawn, 644 Marsh, C. F., degree, 623 fellowship, 584 scholarship, 223 Marsh, H. L., degree, 267 Marsh, R. L., degree, 613 Marsh, R. S., appointments, 392, 405 Marshall, A. G „ degree, 630 Marshall, B. L,, degree, 250 Marshall, I. M-, appointments, 40, 70, 340 Marshall, J. G., degree, 619 Marshall, V. E., appointment, 70 Martel, E. A., appointment, 405 Martin, C. M., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Martin, D. L., degree, 258 Martin, E. R., degree, 617 Martin, F. E., degree, 61a Martin, G. E., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Martin, H. E., commission, 261 degree, 253 Martin, J. R., commission, 622 degree, 615 Mjrtin, J. S.( degree, 632 Martin, L. E., appointments, 110, 364 Martin, L. F., appointment, 324 Martin, M . A., degree, 248 Martin, R. R., degree, 514 Martin property, purchase, 44 Martoccio, J. B„ degree, 269 Martone, J., degree, 514 Marty, K. V., degree, 248 Marvel, C. S., appointments, 200, 323 Marvin, M . 0., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Marzulo, S. C , degree, 260 Mashek, E. B. J., commission, 261 degree, 255 Maslow, L., degree, 267 Mason, C. E., degree, 515 Mason, C. Y., appointments, 244, 327 Mason, E. W., appointments, 178, 316 Mason, G. E„, degree, 257 Mason, J. B., scholarship, 584 Mason, J. C , degree, 266 Massel,man,A.F.,degree,328428 194,no,346, 470 Maulfa'ir,Medica,appointments, 329 316 405 Maxwell, E. W., degree,6*6 Mavis, H.J- L., appointment, Mauer, changed, degree,445 MLittox,F.D. M,, appointments, Mattoon,A.F.I., 393 622174 o Matthes,J.A.F.,A.,budget,630 Matousek,H.A.,appointments, n194, Mathews,E.F,M.,degree, 105363 17, 332 Mathematics,I.,,degree, 625248 no, 353 Matkocsik,D. E.t degree, 632 Mathre, R. L., degree, 269 Masterson,P. CM., appointment, Master S. B., degree, 614 Masslich, 266A., appointments, Matheny, W., appointments, Materia A., budget, 610 title degree, T.. degree,

MacNetll, H., appointment, 355 McNeill, T. F.( exchange of lots, 197 lease. 150 property purchased, 148 MrNichols, J. H., C.P.A. certificate, 39S McPherson, H. M., degree, 620 McPherson, R. J., appointment, 70 McRoberts, L. H.f degree, 264 MeVay, T..N., appointment, 338 degree, 625 McVey, G .W.. decree, 257 McWilliams, J. L., appointment, 357 H««S, C. J., degree, 615 Macbeth, G., degree, 623 scholarship, 223 Maccono, J. D., degree, 616 Maciwire, H. J., appointment, 339 Macintyre, G. I., degree, 610 Mackay, D., degree, 257 Mack ay, G. G., degree, 614 Mackay, I., degree, 250 Mackay, W , J., degree, 616 Mackey, W . B., degree, 248 Madden, M . M., degree, 623 scholarship, 222 Mader, J. M., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Madigan, J., appointment, 451 Madison, F. W-, degree, 616 Madison, R. S., degree, 615 Madsen, G. S., appointment, 339 Mages, M., degree, 255 MaGill, C. R., degree, 445 Magnussen, H. G., degree, 253 Magnureon, E. A., degree, 248 Magnusson, L. G., degree, 255 Maguire, R. F., degree, 614 MahafEe, F. M., degree, 262 Maher, C. C , degree, 445 Mahoney, C. E., appointments, 603 Mahoney, E. P., degree, 255 Mater, V. P., degree, 614 Mailer, A. R., degree, 267 Majeski, A. E., degree, 260 Major, C. F., degree, 622 Malin, R., degree, 78 Malina, D. M., degree, 431 Mallin, I., degree, 629 Malnekofi, B. J., appointment, 120 degree, 445 Maloney, W . W., appointment, n o commission, 261 degree, 252 Maker, J. M., degree, 615 Mangan, M . T., degree, 610 Manion, P. P., degree, 617 Margotis,H.I.,degree^6326ij 248 334, 355 Mark,S.WJ. MA., degree, 622 Margoiis,. R., degree,633610 Marcusson,E-,ofdegree,252266 Marchildon,A.,degree,445255 330 Marchant,356degree,degree, 49, Maram,T.J.,W-„appointment, 445 Mantz,B.E.M.,appointments,622 Mantcr,J.F.,M.,E.,degree,445 150 461 M asalary, degree, degTee, Manuel,F. E., A.,degree, Manning,L. .V,,degree, 632 Manley,F.F.E., appointments, Marek, Mar, W., W chemicals, ManufactureE., B., 445 248 Mann, S., J,, degree,610 ram, C. degree, degree,