UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 677]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kessinger, H. E., degree, 248 Kessler, I. ]., degree, 252 Kesster, W . C , degree, 269 Kesert, E. M., degree, 631 Ketchum, M . S., appointments, 337, 34* Ketchum, P. W.T degree, 628 Kewley, R. J., degree, 173 Keyes, D. B., appointment, 590 Keyes, O. W., degree, 399 Kharasch, D., degree, 269 Kick, C. H., appointments, 109, 347, 378 degree, 78 Kienholz, A. R., appointment, 323 Kieradto, E. M., degree, 631 Kieran, J. T., degree, 609 Kiler, C. A., contract, 286 Kilgore, B. F., degree, 445 Kiilefcr, F. W., degree, 248 KiUefer, M- E., degree, 260 Killi'an, A. S-, degree, 267 Killinger, D. W., degree, 630 Killough, E. M., degree, 262 Kilmartin, R-, appointment, 602 Kimbcr, M . C., degree, 609 Kimmel, L. A., degree, 611 Kinder, A. Ct degree, 609 King, A. R., appointments, 328, 404 degree, 262 King, Agnes, appointment, 201 King, Audrey, degree, 263 King, E. E., appointment, 341 Kins, F, D., degree, 174 King, F. L., appointment, 450 King, F. M., appointments, 279, 336 King, G. E., appointment, 327 King, L. T., degree, 172 King, P. G., degree, 516 King, R. O., degree, 248 King, W . R., appointments, 109, 193, 324 King, W . T., degree, 616 King & Petry, contract, Gymnasium, 477 horse barn, 49 Stadium approach, 20 Kingsley, F. C , appointments, 224, 348, 586 Kinhofer, G. G-, degree, 248 Kinison, C. R., degree, 621 Kiniey, David, appointment, 315 C.P.A. committee member, 463 elected President, 184 portrait of, artist selected, 642 committee, 376, 397 report, 560 vacation. 376 Kinnane, C. H. T., degree, 81 Kinsey,0.A.E.f,appointment,269621 too Kionka,H.V.B.,243degree,270,498 323 Kirsten,E. H.F.,degree, 2486295'5 Kirkpatrick,CR„degree,degree,25r Kirchner,H.A.,A.,degree,609 265 Kirby, J.P.G.,R.I.,appointment, Klages, Ktttell, D.T.I., W-, 626 631 Kitchell,K.445 degree, 619, Kistner,I.,degree,degree,251 Kishpaugh,P.degree,degree,266 Kirsner,D.L.H. W.,631 620 Kirschenbaum, degrees, 515 631 Kirsch, S.,E., J.,degree,262 429 Klein, Kleckner, K. degrees, certificate, Klapman, W.,degree, 260 degree, scholarship, W., degree, W., degree, C.P.A.

Kaufman, F., degree, 269 Kaufman, S. E,, appointment, 450 Kaufman, S. I., appointment, 166 Keach, G. E-, degree, 429 Kearns, J. J., degree, 630 Keaton, C. A., degree, 399 Keefer, A. L., degree, 399 Keele, H. M., appointment, 70 Keeler, O., degree, 399 Keeley, A. C , degree, 614 Keely, R. W., degree, 620 Ke«n, G. F., degree, 612 Keener, C. A., appointment, 338 Keeney, H. F., degree, 257 Keeton, R. W., appointment, 427 Kehart, M . W., degree, 616 Kehl, C. E., degree, 248 Keigwin, J- R., degree, 257 Keilholz, F. ]., appointment, 352 Keith, J, A., degree, 173 Keith, M . H., appointment, 347 Keith, R. P., degree, 609 Keith, T. B., degree, 625 Kell, R. D.5 degree, 616 Kelleher, R. C , appointment, 348 Keller, M . M., appointment, 538 Keller, W . H., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Kelley, C- P., appointment, 326 Kelley, J. A., scholarship, 584 Kelley, M , C , degree, 624 Kelicy, V. M,, C.P.A. certificate, 44 Kelley, V. W., appointment, 351 Kellogg, D. S., degree, 445 Kellogg, J. S., appointments, 364, 404 Kelly, B. N., degree, 257 Kelly, D. V., degree, 609 Kelly, E, J., degree, 445 Kelly, H. R., degree, 248 Kelly, T. G., degree, 614 Kelsey, A. B., appointment, 16 degree, 263 KcUey. W . W., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Kelsheimer, E. G-, degree, 257 Kelso, R., appointment, 326 Kelso, R. W., degree, 630 Kemp, D. W., degree, 258 Kemp, E. L., appointment, 404 degree, 254 Kemp, W. L-, appointment, 585 Kemp, W . W., degree, 6r8 Kempa, T. A., degree, 631 Kendall, F. E., appointment, 324 degree, 627 Keniston, E. G., degree, 257 Kennedy,J.appointment,260429 20 Kennedy,H.degree,degree,494 450 343 Kenyon, WC-,Mr.,degree, 261363 450 Kennicott,609E.,degree,616614 Station report, Kent, H. , J.,Cdegree, 172 430 Kenny,E. W.,appointment,255 Kenney, J. .S.,622degree,252 193, Kerr, J.,F. &R., appointmente, Kern, J. J. F., degree, 319 Keranen, W L., Co,, contract, KeppI,E.,G.Q.,, appointment, Kerwin, R. E., degree, 252 Ksrrins, 5*2 M-, degree, 264 Kerrick, H.,J-, Experiment degree, W G., 632 commission, degree, 133 R. H., S. appointments,