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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 639]

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[June 12

Of the above, Professors Barton, Goebel, Noyes, Talbot, Hollister, Mr. W . A. Mclntire and M r . C. A. Dunseth have intimated a desire to continue at least another year in their present work. After the best consideration I can give the matter, I a m of the opinion that the best interests of the University require the retirement of all in the list who have reached the age of sixty-eight whose principal work, or a large part of it, is teaching. Therefore, I a m not able to acquiesce in the requests by those in such positions. I recommend that Professor H. A, Hollister be continued one year more as High School Visitor. M y reason for recommending his request to you is that I feel the need of his services for one year more to carry through to completion the experiment of cooperative high school inspection which we have been making for the past two or three years with the Superintendent of Public Instruction. I feel the need of at least one more year's trial of this experiment before concluding what to recommend to your Board as our policy in the matter. T o turn the work over to a new man before the experiment is concluded would vitiate the experiment. The continuance of Mr. C. A. Dunseth is recommended by Professor White. H e states that Mr. Dunseth is in good physical health and rendering full and loyal service to the University in the Physical Plant division, Mr. Dunseth being a carpenter. I concur in Professor White's recommendation. Mr. W . A. Mclntire is a clerk in Agronomy whose duty is to keep the records of the weather service. H e is entirely competent to continue this work for another year and I recommend his continuance. With reference to Professor Goebel and Professor Barton certain questions have been raised which go to the policy which your Board wishes to follow in the interpretation of the provisions of the retiring allowance scheme. In the case of Professor Goebel, moreover, the question is raised whether in the past few years he has been treated fairly in the matter of salary and whether his retiring allowance, therefore, is as large as it should be. I recommend that your Board appoint a committee to inquire into the whole matter, to determine whether there is any ground for thinking that a mistake has been made in this case, and if so, what means your Board will adopt to repair it. 1 would recommend also that this committee consider the question raised in Professor Barton's case. I would call your attention especially also to the case of Andrew Tornquist. Mr. Tornquist has been in the service of the University a total of eighteen years, eight and two-thirds months. The longest period of continuous service, however, is from September I, 1908, to October 1, 1917, a period of nine years, one month. Mr. Tornquist then left the University service for a period of seven months, reentering it M a y 1, 1918, and continuing until now. It should be added that from M a y 1, 1918, to February 1, 1919, he was employed in the School of Military Aeronautics. I include this work as University service. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, Professor Hollister was continued for o n e year f r o m S e p t e m b e r 1, 1926, as H i g h School Visitor. O n motion of M r s . Ickes, M r . C . A . D u n s e t h w a s continued for one year f r o m S e p t e m b e r 1, 1926, as carpenter. O n m o t i o n of M r . W h a m , M r . W . A . Mclntire w a s continued for o n e year f r o m S e p t e m b e r 1, 1926, as clerk in a g r o n o m y . O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , the President of the B o a r d w a s directed to appoint a special committee to inquire into the a m o u n t s of the retiring allowances for Professor H . J. Barton, Professor Julius Goebel, a n d Professor O . A . H a r k e r . President Trees appointed M r . W h a m , D r . N o b l e , a n d M r s . E v a n s to serve o n this committee.