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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

26 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 9 point; thence, westerly along the south ROW line of St. Mary's Road a distance of 9.3 feet; thence, northerly parallel with the east ROW line of the Illinois Central Railroad a distance of 10 feet; thence, easterly parallel with the south ROW line of St. Mary's Road a distance of 9.3 feet; thence, southerly parallel with the Illinois Central Railroad east ROW line a distance of about 10 feet to the point of beginning. Strip D: The point of beginning is located 22.36 feet southerly and 174.3 feet westerly parallel to the southern St. Mary's Road ROW line; thence, westerly parallel with the southern St. Mary's Road ROW line a distance of 20 feet; thence northerly parallel with the east ROW line of the Illinois Central Railroad a distance of 12 feet or to the south edge of the permanent St. Mary's Road pavement whichever is less; thence easterly parallel to the south ROW line of St. Mary's Road a distance of 20 feet; whence, southerly parallel with the Illinois Central Railroad east ROW line a distance of about 12 feet or to the point of beginning. Strip E: The point of beginning is located 22.36 feet southerly and 9.3 feet westerly parallel to the southern St. Mary's Road ROW line; thence, westerly parallel with the southern St. Mary's Road ROW line a distance of 15 feet; thence northerly parallel with the east ROW line of the Illinois Central Railroad a distance of 12 feet or to the south edge of the permanent St. Mary's Road pavement whichever is less; thence easterly parallel to the south ROW line of St. Mary's Road a distance of 15 feet; whence, southerly parallel with the Illinois Central Railroad east ROW line a distance of about 12 feet or to the point of beginning. On motion of Dr. Bacon, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Downey, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Reese, Mrs. Shepherd; no, none; absent, Mrs. Calder, Governor Edgar. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Begovich, Mr. Lawless; no, none.) Acquisition of 50 Gerty Drive Building from the State Universities Retirement System (29) The State Universities Retirement System (SURS) has constructed a new office building to accommodate growth in their programs and services. Its present office facility of 20,000 square feet, located at 50 Gerty Drive, Champaign, is for sale and will be vacated by August 31, 1992. The availability of the SURS facility presents an opportunity to address some persistent space problems at the Urbana-Champaign campus. Staff of the Administrative Information Systems and Services (AISS) office are housed in multiple locations across campus, and many in rental space. Consolidating AISS operations in a single location would improve working conditions, enhance operating efficiency, and release some central campus space for reassignment to other units. The University administration has reached a tentative agreement with SURS staff for the sale of the 50 Gerty Drive facility to the University for the sum of $1,210,000. The terms of this agreement permit the University to take possession of and receive title to the property on or about September 1, 1992. Payment for the building is contingent upon the University's receipt of a capital appropriation from the General Assembly between now and September 1, 2003. The current purchase price will escalate at an annual rate of 6.75 percent, and future years' appropriation requests will be increased to reflect the accrued interest component. The University will finance improvements to the property during Fiscal Years
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