Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

250 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 14 Roger Adams Laboratory Remodeling — Phase I — (The approximately $1.0 million project is the first phase of a multiple-phase project to renovate three floors of Roger Adams Laboratory for the Chemical Engineering Department. Work included in this phase consists of the infill of one floor of the center bay of the building, the construction of a new north-south corridor, repair and addition of selected fume hood systems, and the painting and installation of floor tile in selected laboratories.) a. Construction Contracts b. A / E Services for Construction Phase c. Fund Source: Campus Funds Not to Exceed $813 661 54 820 Bids were received on April 14 and 16 for this project. T h e award is made on the basis of each bidder's base bid plus acceptance of the indicated alternates. Construction is to begin in May 1993 and is scheduled for completion by October 1993. Division I — General Mid-Am Builders, Inc., Champaign Base Bid Alt. G-l Alt. G-2 Alt. G-3 $169 8 10 9 249 629 644 254 $197 776 Division II — Plumbing A & R Mechanical Contractors, Inc., Urbana Base Bid Alt. P-2 Alt. P-3 29 530 2 900 4 000 36 430 Division III — Heating, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control Reliable Plumbing 8c Heating Company, Savoy Division TV — Ventilation Nogle & Black Mechanical, Inc., Urbana Base Bid 36 880 Base Bid Alt. V-2 Alt. V-3 108 180 3 845 1 450 113 475 Division V — Electrical Bodine Electric of Decatur, Inc., Champaign Base Bid Alt. E-2 Alt. E-3 34 126 150 200 34 476 $419 037 Total Public Safety Building — (The proposed $2,700,000 project consists of the construction of an approximate 20,000 gsf facility to house the University Police and the Division of Campus Parking and will incorporate administrative offices and conference space for both units as well as other related requirements for the University Police.)