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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 205 facilities do not exist elsewhere or are not readily accessible, and when the work to be performed involves only established, pre-existing methods of a primarily technical nature which can be specified in advance. A technical testing contract should not be used if the work entails original, creative research. The University will not perform testing for external parties if equivalent service is known to be available and feasibly obtainable from a commercial entity. (b) The unit executive officer is responsible for determining the appropriateness of the work before the University accepts the contract. Such work will be arranged by the unit executive officer with the involved members of the staff in accordance with the nature of their employment, as part of their service to the University, unless such work is done at times when services are not required by the University. When necessary or desirable, special assistants may be employed to conduct a specified testing project. Subject to conflict of interest review and prior written approval of the unit executive officer and college dean, testing using University equipment and facilities may also be undertaken by individual members of the University faculty or academic professional employees on their own time and responsibility. (c) A fee shall be assessed for each testing project sufficient to cover all direct and indirect costs of service rendered, including any and all facilities of the University used in carrying out the test, and the technical support personnel necessary to operate it. (d) Both the testing methods and the objectives toward which they will be applied shall be specified in writing as part of the agreement covering the testing work. The University makes no claim of ownership in observational data, measurements, or other results from such specified testing. In general, it is not anticipated that any new science or technology (and resulting intellectual property) would result from such specified testing. However, in special situations, such as when the proposed testing involves an applicant's proprietary technology or specimens, or if a specific objective or application of interest to the applicant which is potentially patentable can be identified in advance, the University may agree not to seek a proprietary position in the applicant's intellectual property. Otherwise, inventions and discoveries (hereafter, "inventions") shall belong solely or jointly to the University and/or to the applicant in accordance with the U.S. laws of inventorship and Article HI, Section 3. For any such invention in which the University has an ownership interest, the University will grant the applicant a limited first option to negotiate a license to use the University invention on reasonable commercial terms. (e) The name of the University of Illinois shall not be used in publicity concerning the tests or test results, without its prior written permission. (f) Technical testing agreements shall be approved and executed in accordance with Article II, Section 5, and the policies and procedures provided for each campus by the Assistant Vice Presidents for Business Affairs. (In the text below, additions are underlined and deletions are interlineated.) ARTICLE IV. EMPLOYMENT POLICIES SECTION 4. RETIREMENT, DEATH, SURVIVOR, DISABILITY AND SICK LEAVE BENEFITS University policy provides for sick leave with the payment of salary in case of illness or other disability for specified periods as described below. In addition to the benefits provided by the University, a system of retirement, death, survivor, and disability benefits is established by law creating the State Universities Retirement System of Illinois, a state agency separate and distinct from the University of Illinois. (a) Retirement Age. Each appointee of the University serving under a contract of indefinite (unlimited) tenure must retire no later than the day before the beginning of the next academic year immediately following the appointee's 70th birthday; however, in exceptional cases and for substantial cause, retirement may be deferred
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