Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 191 terminal and the measurement of the contents of individual varicosities along a single nerve process. (Note\ **These faculty members have been recommended for appointment as Beckman Fellows in the Center for Advanced Study named for the donor of a gift which permits additional recognition for outstanding younger fellow candidates who have already made distinctive scholarly contributions.) On motion of Ms. Reese, these appointments were approved. Appointment of Professors to the Center for Advanced Study, Urbana (4) The dean of the Graduate College and vice chancellor for research at UrbanaChampaign, in consultation with the director of the Center for Advanced Study and the professors in the center, has recommended the following faculty members for appointment as professors1 in the Center for Advanced Study: GORDON A. BAYM, professor of physics (effective August 21, 1993) BRAJ B. KACHRU, professor of linguistics (effective August 21, 1993) R. TOM ZUIDEMA, professor of anthropology (effective March 29, 1993) The chancellor concurs in this recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, these appointments were approved. Honorary Degrees, Chicago (5) The senate at the Chicago campus has recommended that honorary degrees be conferred on the following persons at the Commencement Exercises on May 9, 1993: PAULO FREIRE — the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. BERNARD SHAW — the degree of Doctor of Letters. The chancellor at Chicago concurs in these recommendations. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, these degrees were authorized as recommended. Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College, Chicago (6) The chancellor at Chicago has recommended the appointment of Jan Rocek, presently professor of chemistry and head of the Department of Chemistry, as vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate College, beginning April 1, 1993, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of $125,710. Dr. Rocek will serve until a permanent vice chancellor and dean is appointed which is planned for the fall of 1995. Dr. Rocek will continue to hold the title of professor of chemistry on indefinite tenure. He will succeed Dr. John Wanat who has served as interim vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate College since September 1, 1991. The vice president for academic affairs concurs. 1 Professors in the center are chosen from among the most distinguished, productive and widely recognized scholars at the Urbana-Champaign campus. Appointment to a professorship in the center is the highest recognition that the campus can bestow upon members of its faculty. Currently, the professors in the center are: Donald Burkholder, Wolfgang Haken, Nick Holonyak, Wayne LaFave, Paul Lauterbur, Anthony Leggett, James Marchand, Geoffrey Parker, David Pines, Charles Slichter, Jack Stillinger, Michio Suzuki, Carl R. Woese, Peter Wolynes, and Ladislav Zgusta.