Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

156 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 31 The purpose of the meeting was to interview candidates for the position of chancellor for the Urbana-Champaign campus. President Calder asked President Ikenberry for remarks about the progress of the search. BRIEFING FROM PRESIDENT IKENBERRY President Ikenberry briefed the members of the board about the backgrounds of the candidates the search committee had recommended to him for the position of chancellor at the Urbana campus. He also discussed criteria that might be kept in mind as the candidates were interviewed by the trustees. These included: Record — What are the candidate's career successes? Leadership Capability — What are the most important characteristics of a successful chancellor? Vision — What lies ahead, what changes are needed in higher education at Urbana and similar campuses? Management Skills — How would one manage the budget and the 35,000 students, and their issues, at Urbana? Ability to Communicate — How does a successful chancellor communicate and gain consensus? Values and Priorities — Which priorities need to be kept in special focus in the next few years? Goodness of Fit — What aspects of the Urbana campus seem familiar to candidates, compared to present and past experiences, and what are the major differences? Compatibility — How would they assess the special strengths of the candidate and the ability to lead the campus? MEETING WITH A CANDIDATE At 5:30 p.m., the members of the board met with one candidate. They discussed this individual's experience in higher education and the aspects of the experience that were applicable to the requirements of the position of chancellor at Urbana. The trustees also asked the candidate questions related to the list of characteristics listed above. In addition, questions regarding commitment to undergraduate education, diversity on campus, and ability to manage scarce resources were posed. The candidate discussed each of these points. BOARD MEETING RECESSED At 6:30 p.m., the board recessed for dinner which included the candidate and the candidate's spouse, the members of the board noted above, President Ikenberry, Dr. Thompson, Professor Delia, and Dean Leigh