UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 281]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Losee, Isabelle M., degree, 241 Lot in Champaign purchased, 201 Lot three in College Place addition, purchase of 216 Lots, rental and purchase, 164 Lougee, Dora A., degree, 249 fellowship, 226 Lougee, Flora M., degree, 249 Loughery, H. B., certificate in medicine, 257 Lounsbury, B. F., appointment, 91 Lourash, P. D., degree, 247 Lovell, C. B., appointment, 207 degree, 188 Lowe, C. G., degree, 249 fellowship, 226 Lowe, Clara MM appointment, 29, 128 salary, 87 Lowe, Lucretia, salary, 81 Lowe, Lucy, appointment, 15 Lucas, A. A., appointment, 128 salary, 87 Lucas, F. B., appointment, 128, 207 degree, 256 Luer, H. A., degree, 189 Lull, J. R., degree, 245 Lumley, Arlene, appointment, 99, 174 Lumley, Dorothy E., degree, 242 Lummis, J. G., appointment, 128 commission, 259 degree, 244 Lumsden, W. K., appointment, 174 Lundgren, C. L., appointment, 29, 214 Luney, F. S., degree, 252 Luster, J. J., degree, 241 Luther, I., salary, 159 Luther, W., appointment, 99 Lybyer, A. H., appointment, 213 leave of absence, 210 salary, 81 Lynch, Helen C , degree, 244 Lytle, E. B., salary, 81 Lytle, Laura H., degree, 241 Lytle, M. Q., degree, 244 MacGillivray, A. D., salary, 81 MacGillivray, J. H., degree, 246 scholarship, 226 , McAdams, May E., appointment, 15 salary, 85 McAnlis, C. R., appointment, 261 salary, 83 McCabe, Marie B., degree, 248 honors, 255 McCallister, F. O., degree, 241 McCarthy, C. M., degree, 92 McCaughtry, R., appointment, 99 McClure, E. L., degree, 245 McClure, M. T., appointment, 261 McConn, C. M., appointment, 3 assistant to the President, 73 McCormick, J. F.,.C. P. A. certificate, 112 McCormick, R. E., appointment, 99 McCrea, F. D., appointment, 99 McCullough, Helen E., appointment, 14 McDermott, Agnes, appointment, 122, 174 McDermott, M., appointment, 99 McDonald, E. J., degree, 244 McDougall, W. B., salary, 80 McDougle, (Mrs.) V. P., appointment, 12 McElvain, S. M., degree, 251 McFarlan, L. H., appointment, 214 McGehee, W., degree, 189 McGinty, D. A., appointment, 261 McGrath, E. P., degree, 244 McGrath, F. L., appointment, 207 degree, 256 McGraw, Katherine, salary, 86 McGregor, C. D., degree, 244 McGuigan, H. A., appointment, 29 salary, 87 McGuire, M. R., appointment, 160

Mclntire, E. J., appointment, 128 Mclntire, W. A., appointment, 12 Mcintosh, (Mrs.) Donald, allowance, 12 Mclntyre, R. D., degree, 244 McKenna, C. M., appointment, 91 McKinney, H. T., degree, 253 McKinney, J. K., degree, 244 McLeish, O. O., degree, 188 McMillan, Ethel M., degree, 248 McMillan, L. W., degree, 246 McMiilin, O. C , appointment, 99 McNair, Helen W., degree, 242 McNally, Andrew, appointment, 228 McNealy, R. W., appointment, 91 McNear, P., appointment, 129, 207 McNeely, J. K., appointment, 99 McNeil, Lois A., appointment, 13 McQuinn, R. T., degree, 241 McShea, G. E., degree, 92 McVay, Esther L., degree, 241 prize, 255 McWilliams, Jennie, salary, 87 Machin, J. S., appointment, 261 Machinery, contracts for loans, of, 108 Macintire, H. J., appointment, 29 salary, 83 Mackey, Dorothy W., degree, 114 Madden, Florence G., degree, 250 Madera, J. R., degree, 258 Magill, C. R. W., degree, 256 Maher, C. C , degree, 256 Malapert, E. L., degree, 92 Malcolm, W. A., appointment, 89 Malcolmson, D. K., degree, 241 Malkmus, William, degree, 244 Mallory, Fairie J., appointment, 121 Mandeville, M. J., degree, 244 Mann, C. T., degree, 247 Mann, Shirley, degree, 115 Mann, W. A. Jr., degree, 256 Mapes, R. C , degree, 258 Marais, J. S., degree, 252 Maramra, F. D., degree, 246 Marek, L., C. P. A., 232 Maricle, Raymond, appointment, 261 Markland, Marguerite, appointment, 25 salary, 158 Marks, Louie, C. P. A. certificate, 112 Marlowe, Gertrude C , appointment, 174 Marlowe, Wilma M., degree, 242 Marmion, Florence A., appointment, 3 salary, 158 Marquardt, P., appointment, 99 salary, 86, 190 Marquedant, Isabel M., degree, 246 Marquis, D. E., degree, 244 Mars, H. F., appointment, 91 Marshall, G. W., degree, 243 Marshall, T. H., degree, 241 Marston, L. R., appointment, 215 Martin, Daisy, appointment, 3 Martin, E. W., appointment, 261 Martin, F. W., appointment, 174 Martin, H. C , degree, 241 Martin, H. M., appointment, 168, 192 Martin, L. E., appointment, 129 degree, 258 Martin, Ruth, appointment, 15 Martin, W. H., degree, 248 Martino, J. F., degree, 243 Martins, D. V., degree, 188 Marvel, C. S., salary, 80 Marvel, Sadie M., degree, 241 Maryan, H. O., degree, 256 Mason, J. B., degree, 241 Mason, Ruby E. C , salary, 80 Mason, R. S., degree, 241 Mathematics, summer session salaries, 214 Matheny, A. R., degree, 115 Matheny, Alice, appointment, 25 salary, 158