UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 846]

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Davison, Charles, appointment, 117, 516 Dawson, Estelle, appointment, 619 Dawson, Eric A., appointment, 37 Dawson, G. I., appointment, 730 Dawson, Margaret K., scholarship, 767 Dawson, R. H., appointment, 563 Day, C. L., "degree, 354 Day, H . W., 495, degree, 358 Day, V. S., 485, degree, 356 Day, W . B., 497, appointment, 58 Deacon, W. M\, appointment, 473 Deahl, N , appointment, 563 degree, 818 Dean, Beatrice E., scholarship, 767 Dean, Olive G., degree, 816 Dean, R. H., appointment, 475 degree, 364 Deaper, L. F., degree, 823 Debel, N . H . , appointment, 36, 161 Decker, E . H., appointment, 55, 498 Decker, Edna Mae, degree, 360 Decoration, interior, curriculum in, 390 Deem, W . C , 485, appointment, 398 Deering, E . W., degree, 820 De Four, E . H., appointment, 120 DeGarmo, M a r y C., 496, appointment, 53 Degrees, 385, 388 authority to confer, 333, 736 authorized, 200 conferred, 236, 603, 648 granted in October, 539 list, 815 masters', to be conferred four times a year. 181, 408 summary, 814 DeHaven, J. D., appointment, 328 Deist, M . W., appointment, 116, 161 DeLany, C. M., resignation demanded, 253 DeLong, W . E., degree, 354 Deming, H G , 474, apDointment, 161, 760 Dennis, H . K., 480, appointment, 38, 764 Dennis, Rose C , degree, 816 Denson, C. H , degree, 821 Dent, J. A., appointment, 42 salary, 346 Dental students, enlistment, 633 Dentistry, College of, additional equipment, 298 Assistant Dean of, 189 budget, 115, 116,558 > Entrance and Graduation requirements, 136 , expense, 464 ' fourth year, 180, 187 insurance, 238 laboiatory, reconstruction of, 188 matriculation and registration fees, 195 salaries, 22 Denton, W. W., appointment, 36 Department needs, 405 Derby, H . L., degiee, 355 Dern, K. L., degree, 818 special honors, 831 Dershem, E., appointment, 563 de Souza, J . C , degiee, 357 Detlefsen/T- A., 491, appointment, 49, 759 DeTurk, E . A., fellowship, 766 DeTuik, E . E , fellowship, 284 DeTurk, J. A., 485, appointment, 43 Deuchler, G. H., degree, 820 E ; eveneau, George A., 27, appointment, 470 Devlin, J. L., degree, 354 de Werff, H . A., 490 Dewey, E . C , degree, 354 Dewey, Kaethe W., appointment, 116, 559 Dewsnup, E. R., 482, appointment, 39 leave of absence, 635, 672 Diamond, I. B., appointment, 119, 51§

Cunningham, S. R., degree, 360 Curl, H . E., appointment, 110, 525, 563 degree, 362 Curl, M . ]., appointment, 34, 476, 761 Curme, G. O., appointment, 279 Curtis, B . T., degree, 370 Curtis, Eliza, 480 Curtis, Florence R., 498 Curtis, N . C , appointment, 563 Curtiss, R. E., degree, 358_ Cushman, Josephine, appointment, 762 Cushman, R. E , appointment, 37, 281, 479, 763, 770 Cusick, W , appointment, 559 Cuskaden, M , appointment, 770 degree, 649, 830 Custer, E m m a L , appointment, 48, 491 Cuthbert, Dorothy, appointment, 674 degree, 364 Cuthbertson, W . S., degree, 354 Dadar.t, Harrielte G., degree, 353 Dahlin, Edna O., degree, 822 Dairy Husbandry, expense, 19 funds transferred, 536 salaries, 50, 461, 493 Dalbey, Noia E , appointment, 30, 473, 770 Dale, J. H , degree, 358 Dallenbach, Maybell M., degree, 351 Dalton, C. E., appointment, 32, 475 Daly, E . P., degree, 356 Daly, Geraldine, degree, 816 Dame, L P., appointment, 209 degree, 362 Dana, B., degree, 353 Dana, W . P., degree, 361 Daniels, A. H., appointment, 36, 479 763 Danville Collieries Company, contiact with, 101 Darby, Harry, j r , degree, 356 Dare, H . N . , appointment, 467 Darrell, G. C , commission, 373 degree, 355 Datz, C. P., degiee, 363 Davenport, Eugene, 488 appointment, 46 attended meeting, 449 letter, cooperative work, 204 Davenport, G. L., appointment, 119, 516 David, Eschoo, appointment, 108, 523 David, Paul, appointment, 108 David, Simon, appointment, 108, 523 Davies, R. E., appointment, 209 Davis, D . T., appointment, 112, 525, 729 Davis, F . A., degree, 821 Davis, H . I., appointment, 118, 515 Davis, Helen P., 493, degree, 353 Davis, Helen G , degree, 836 Davis, J. E., degree, 819 Davis, J. W., 484, appointment, 12 degree, 367 Davis, L P I , degiee, 358 Davis, L. L., commission, 373 degree, 355 Davis, M . R., degiee, 360 Davis, P . F /degree, 357 final honors, 372 special honors, 371 Davis, R. E., 484, appointment, 41 Davis, R. L , degree, 364 fellowship, 284 Davis, S. S., degiee, 366 Davis, V , appointment, 674 Davis, Vera M , 491, appointment, 48 Davis, W. T , appointment, 770 title, 181' Davison, C. M. ? degree, 823