UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 804]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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[Aug. 4,

$2,500 00 2,400 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 2,000 00 1,400 00 1,000 00 1,700 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,700 00 1,000 00 1,300 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 300 00 600 00 500 840 500 840 900 780 840 720 540 660 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

- , Vice Hall, Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, College, and Assistant Chief in Animal Husbandry, Station D. O. Barto, Associate in Animal Husbandry, College (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Sleeter Bull, Associate in Animal Nutrition, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Walter E. Joseph, Associate in Animal Husbandry, College and Station (1 year) Harold H. Mitchell, Associate in Animal Nutrition, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) William H. Smith, Associate in Animal Husbandry Extension, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) James B. Andrews, Instructor in Animal Husbandry, College, and First Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Station (1 year) Elmer Roberts, Instructor in Genetics, College, and First Assistant in Genetics, Station (12 months, two-thirds time) Wilbur J. Carmichael, Instructor in Animal Husbandry, College, and First Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Station (12 months).. Charles I. Newlin, Instructor in Animal Husbandry, College, and First Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Station (12 months) , Vice Yoke, Instructor in Animal Husbandry, College, and First Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Station (12 months).. Roscoe R. Snapp, Instructor in Animal Husbandry, College, and First Assistant in Animal Husbandry, Station (12 months) Claude Harper, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, College and Station (12 months) Mary H. Keith, Assistant in Animal Nutrition, Station (12 months) Roy H. Wilcox, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, College and Station (three-fourths time, 12 months) James W. Whisenand, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, College and Station (12 months) Earl K. Augustus, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, College and Station (12 months) M. E. Slater, Assistant in Animal Nutrition, College and Station (12 months) Joseph R. Zeisenheim, Assistant in Animal Nutrition, College and Station (half time, 12 months) . William A. K. Morkel, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, College (one-third time, 12 months) Lawrence E. Thorne, Assistant in Agricultural Statistics and Genetics, College and Station (half time, 12 months) William G.' Kammlade, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, College and Station (half time, 12 months) , Assistant (12 months) , Assistant (half time, 12 months) Martha E. Taft, University Secretary (C. S.) , University Secretary (C. S.) Jessie R. Beedles. Stenographer (C. S.) Evalena Bowen, Stenographer (C. S.) . . , Mabel Halliday, Stenographer CC. S.) Bess Riggs, Stenographer (C. S.) Hazel Rock, Stenographer (C. S.) Total, Animal Husbandry Dairy Husbandry. Harry A. Harding, Professor of Dairy Bacteriology, College, and Chief in Dairy Bacteriology, Station (Indef.) Wilber J. Fraser,* Professor of Dairy Farming, College, and Chief in Dairy Farming, Station (Indef.) Martin J. Prucha, Assistant Professor of Dairy Bacteriology, College, and Assistant Chief in Dairy Bacteriology, Station (3 years from Sept. 1, 1913J Nelson W. Hepburn, Assistant Professor of Dairy Manufactures, College, and Assistant Chief in Dairy Manufactures, Station (3 years from Sept. 1, 1913) , Assistant Professor of Dairy Chemistry, College, and Assistant Chief in Dairy Chemistry, Station . Assistant Professor of Dairy Physiology, College, and Assistant Chief in Dairy Physiology, Station William T. Crandall, Associate in Milk Production, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Leroy Lang, Associate in Dairy Manufactures, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Edward F. Kohmann, Associate in Dairy Chemistry, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) . Ray S. Hulce, Associate in Milk Production, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915) Harrison A. Ruehe, Associate in Dairy Manufactures, College and Station (2 years from Sept. 1, 1915> Frank A. Pearson, First Assistant in Dairy Husbandry, Station (12 months) • , Vice Keller, Instructor in Dairy Manufactures, College (12 months) r •• * On leave of absence on half salary.

$60,170 00 5,000 00 1,750 0.0 2,500 00 2,500 00 2,800 00 2,800 00 1,800 00 2,400 00 2,000 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,600 00 1,400 Q0