UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1456]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Wyeth, Ola M., appointment, 59, 809. Wykle, B. A., degree, 74. Wykle, Ethel M., degree, 955. Wyland, R. O., degree, 303. honors, 311. Wyman, W., degree, 305. Wyninger, H. T., appointment, 801. Yamamoto, S. T., degree, 953. Yapp, J. F. O., degree, 958. Yapp, W. W., appointment, 56, 805. degree, 80. Yarros, Rachele S., appointment, 129, 840. Yeager, L. E. & Company, premiums on policies, 878. Yeaton, F. D., degree, 80. Yensen, T. D., appointment, 54, 802. promotion of, 864. to obtain patent, 880. resignation, 940. Yntema, L. F., appointment, 795. Yoch, F. T., degree, 307. • Yoke, J. J., appointment, 56. degree, 77. Young, A. E., degree, 77. Young, C. M., appointment, 920, 945. Young, D. S., scholarship, 944. Young, Esther, appointment , 844. degree, 308. Young, E. G., appointment, 781. degree, 958. Young, L. E., appointment, 798. degree, 311. Young, Ruth E., degree, 304. final honors, 312. Young, Y., degree, 79. Y. M. C. A. Handbook, appropriation for, 299. Younglove, C. C, degree, 305. honors, 311. Yount, C. M., fellowship, 944. Yuasa, Hachiro, scholarship, 944. Zabn, F. R., degree, 306. Zajicek, E. C, degree, 83. Zee, J. Z., degree, 76. Zeis, H. C, appointment, 50, 250. degree, 309. Zeisenheim, J. R., appointment, 804. Zeitlin, Jacob, appointment, 49, 795. Zeleny, C„ appointment, 51, 798. Zelle, Carl, appointment, 844. degree, 952. Zeller, Josephine, M., degree, 305. Zeppenfeld, E. W., degree, 77. Zeter, H. M., degree, 307. Ziegler, Maurice, appointment, 870. Zieman, W. W., degree, 305. Zimmerman, A. C, degree, 953. final honors, 960. Zimmerman, A. U., degree, 306. Zinser, R. B., degree, 952. Zipprodt, Ella S., appointment, 844, 928. Zipprodt, R. R., commission, 312. degree, 305. Zollinger, J. E., degree, 306. Zoology, budget, 51, 798. laboratory fees in, 161. Zucker, A. E.. appointment, 50, 250. Zuppke, R. C, appointment, 251, 809, 893.

Women's Board of Missions, scholarship, 44, 190. Women's dormitory, see Women's Residence Hall. Women employees, use of swimming pool, 44. Women, physical training for, Director to be appointed, 769. staff, 12. Women's Residence Hall, acquisition of site, 137. changes in plans, 838. condemnation of land, 64. contracts for, 948, 949. plans, 839, 845. authorized, 244. estimate for, 934. report on, 866, 922. recommended to be built in 1916-17, 810. rooms in, 898. Wood, Adeline, degree, 955. Wood, C. A., appointment, 130, 840. Wood, H. G., degree, 76. Wood, H. T., appointment, 59. degree, 304. Wood, Gen. Leonard, letter of commendation, 288. Wood, M. T., degree, 956. Woodin, M. E., degree, 78. Woodnick, G. W., appointment, 840. Woods, B. L. T., appointment, 129. Woolbert, C. H., appointment, 49, 250, 796 892 Woolf, H.*S., degree, 307. Woolley, W. A., degree, 308. Woolman, Rachel M., degree, 955. Woolman, Richardine, degree, 951. Woolston, W. J., appointment, 129, 840. Wooters, J. E., degree, 77. Wooters, L. M., degree, 74. Woodward, E. P., degree, 82. Worcester, Leonora M., degree, 304. Workingman's Compensation Act, liability of University to, 159. Worrell, Grace L., degree, 75. Worthington Pump Company, awarded contract, 64. Wray, C. W., degree, 955. Wright, Agnes, degree, 951. honors, 960. Wright, A. B., degree, 79. Wright, B., degree, 74. Wright, Douglas, Jr., degree, 955. Wright, E. L. B., degree, 78. Wright, E. P., degree, 953. Wright, P. J., appointment, 128. Wright, G. E., appointment, 205, 793. Wright, J. E., degree, 78. Wright, J. P., degree, 952. . Wright, L. M. B., degree, 78. Wright, Mabelle, J., appointment, 844. Wright, M. R., degree, 74. Wright, N. A., degree, 307. Wright, P. Q., degree, 311. Wrisley, G. A., appointment, 795. degree, 952. Wyant, C. S., degree, 76. final honors, 81. Wyatt, F. A., appointment, 298, 844. degree, 310. Wycoff, B. H., degree, 307.