UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1448]

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UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. Science and Dentistry, six-year curriculum, 861. Scofleld, H., appointment, 249. Sconce, H. J., appointment, 124. Scott, B. M., appointment, 140. Scott, Edna L., appointment, 58, 807. Scott, E. S., degree, 76. Scott, F. W., appointment, 49, 795. Scott, J. W., land offered, 41. Scott, L. B., degree, 955. Scott, S. E., degree, 951. Scott, Winfield, degree, 955. Scovill, H. T., appointment, 51, 250, 798, 892. Scroggin, Mildred, degree, 304. Scruggs, E. P., degree, 308. Seaburg, E., appointment, 140, 833. Seaman, Katherine, degree, 304. Sears, G. W., appointment, 48, 249, 794, 892. degree, 80. Sears, O. H., degree, 77. Sears, R. R., degree, 78. Sears, V. H., degree, 956. Secor, E. C, degree, 77. Secretary, elected, 218, 917. salary fixed, 227. signing of vouchers delegated, 222, 918. Seebach, M., litigation with, 159. Seeger, H. F., degree, 242. Seeley, E. B., degree, 74. Seely, F. B., appointment, 53, 250, 801, 891. degree, 310. Seidenberg, N. C, degree, 304, 307. Seidler, L., degree, 82. Seifert, H. F., degree, 952. scholarship, 944. Seifried, A. G., degree, 955. Seiler, Eleanor F., appointment, 249. degree, 957. Seiler, Erna, appointment, 59, 808. Seilin, J., appointment, 140. degree, 308. Seipple, C. P., appointment, 129. Sekine. S., degree, 74. • Seletz, Abraham, appointment, 857. degree, 956. Sell, E. A., appointment, 773. Sellards, W. H., degree, 955. Selsam, Beulah E., degree, 304. Semi-Centennial of the University, 282. Semities, professor of, 297. Semple, A. T., degree, 955. final honors, 960. Senate, 13. Senate, committees enlarged, 860. recommendations by, 918. Senay, C. T., degree, 309. Sendenburgh, E. I., appointed, 248. degree, 957. Senelick, M. D., degree, 308. Senescall, C. R., degree, 308. Senneff, G. F., degree, 307. Service building, estimate for, 934. Severance, L. E., degree, 955. Severson, J. M., degree, 956. Sewell, S. L, degree, 75. Sexauer, Mae M., degree, 951. Seymour, A. R., appointment, 51, 793, 797. Seymour, Lurene, appointment, 57, 806. Seyster, E. W., degree, 304. Shafer, H. O., appointment, 129, 840. Shaffer, R. F., degree, 955. Shaklee, A. O., appointment, 140, 832, 843. Shapland, E. P., degree, 76. Sharp, Bertha I,., appointment, 59, 808. degree, 74. Sharp, "J. J., degree, 308. Shattuck, S. W., vote of sympathy for, 186. Shaw, B. B., degree, 959.

Sayre, E. R., degree, 79. Scales, W. H., degree, 76. Scanlon, Mary, appointment, 63, 807. Schaarman, E. F., degree, 74, 309. Schadt, M. E., degree, 75. Schaefer, E. T., degree, 951. Schaffer, O. G., degree, 77. Schaffner, P. F., appointment, 130, 839. Schafmayer, A. J., degree, 80. Schaller, E. E., degree, 75. Sehaller, G. S., degree, 954. Schecter, R. W., degree, 951. Schedule of bids on new buildings, 288. Scheele, D. C , degree, 954. Schaftel, Yetta, appointment, 102. Schelm, G. W., degree, 956. Scherfee, S. H., degree, 78. Schetnitz, Hymen, degree, 304. Schick, F. J., degree, 308. Schickedanz, L. H., degree, 954. Schiele, R. F., degree, 308. Schiesswohl, P. G., degree, 304. Schiesswohl, R. L., degree, 952. Schiff, N. S., appointment, 140. degree, 956. Schlack, M. A., degree, 955. Schmnerer, O. P., degree, 79. Schlader, E. H., degree, 954. Schlies, E. W., degree, 83. Schlueter, W. L., degree, 952. Schlussel, N. W., degree, 956. Schmidt, E. C, appointment, 54, 801. leave of absence, 225. Schmidt, K. W., degree, 953. Schmidt, Robert, appointment, 857. Schnelbach, J. F., appointment, 810, 882. Schnoor, E. W., appointment, 129, 841. Schobinger, E., degree, 306. Schoenberg, A. J., appointment, 129, 840. Schoepperle, Gertrude, appointment, 49, 796. Schoepperle, Helen K., degree, 304, 957. fellowship, 944. Scholars and fellows, authority to nominate, 202. Scholarship, Smith, in music, 920. Scholarships, graduate, 248, 943. appropriation for, 919. endowed, College of Medicine, 44. Smith, in music, 920. Scholl, Clarence, appointment, 248. degree, 80, 959. School, R. S., degree, 955. Schools, officers, 12. Schoo'nover, W. R., appointment, 56, 803. degree, 957. Schrager, V. K, appointment, 840. Schroeder, Edith C, degree, 304. Schroeder, G. W., degree, 77. final honors, 81. Schroeder, W. H., degree, 308. Schreier, E. P., degree, 76. Schreiner, A., Jr., degree, 83. Schucker, R. W., degree, 305. Schulberg, P. A., degree, 82. Schuler, D. B., degree, 953. final honors, 960. Schultz, E. C, degree, 936. Schultz, H. M., degree, 77. Schultz, Louis, appointment, 63. 834. Schultz, W. E., appointment, 796. Schulz, E. R., degree, 955. final honors, 960. scholarship, 943. Schulz, W. F., appointment, 54, 801. Schurecht, H. G., degree, 75. Schute, T. H., appointment, 781. degree, 957. Schwartz, G. F., appointment, 57, 108, 807. Schwartz, J., degree, 78. Schwartz, L. F., degree, 78. Schwing, E. A., appointment, 806. degree, 306.